Gulf News

Bahrain folklore meets Japanese manga

- By Bureau Chief

Habib Toumi, A Bahraini artist, who has chosen Dubai as the venue for her first solo exhibition which will take place March 13 to April 6, hopes to highlight the perspectiv­e of the Gulf on the Japanese manga.

“It will be a unique fusion of the Bahraini folklore with the Japanese manga as I will combine the Bahraini folklore and the art of Japanese manga in a unique homogenous mixture,” Leena Al Ayoobi said. “Brainchild, my exhibition, will feature the originalit­y of the past, the charm of the present and the hope of future.”

Leena said that her exhibition of 30 paintings at the Citizen E Gallery in the Design District will be in a way looking at the Japanese magna through a Bahraini prism.

The artist has been displaying her artwork since 2014 and in the following year, she was among the 35 Bahraini artists who showcased their artistic creations at the fourth edition of the Bahraini Female Artists Annual Exhibition, an ambitious project launched by Bahraini artist Nadine Al Shaikh. Brad Pitt in War Machine.

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