Gulf News

‘Your body is a factory, you be its CEO’



Indian visionary and orator Sadhguru provides out-of-the box perspectiv­e on human life

S adhguru Jaggi Vasudev, the Indian visionary and orator par excellence, captured the thoughts of thousands in Dubai on Friday with his spiritual insights. Later, speaking exclusivel­y to

Gulf News, Sadhguru explained the need to alter one’s inner landscape. His new book, Inner Engineerin­g: A Yogi’s Guide to Joy, was launched in Dubai on Friday. The 288-page title has already become a best seller on the New York Times and Amazon listings.

Here are some extracts from the interview:

Why do we need a book on inner engineerin­g? Why this need to constantly tell people how to live their lives?

Isn’t it true that the simple act of how to brush your teeth was taught by your mother or father? Even [if] they did not teach you right, even that you would not know. If they did not teach you, some people might figure it out, most people will not. When it comes to deeper dimensions in life, some people will anyway figure it out, but most people will not.

We approach all aspects of our life on the outside in a scientific manner using all kinds of technologi­es; it is important that we also address our inner wellbeing in a scientific manner using technologi­es of well-being.

For a long time people thought inner well-being must be handled through belief, fancy philosophi­es, ideologies, all kinds of superstiti­ons. It is time we address our inner self also in a scientific way using subjective technologi­es. Inner engineerin­g has been propagated on many levels, various dimensions of programmes. There are online aspects and also a book now.

What are the main tools of transforma­tion?

When we say tools of transforma­tion, there are many ways to approach this. All human experience, whether it’s peace, tranquilit­y, turmoil, stress, anxiety, misery, joy, pleasure, ecstasy, agony — whatever the human experience, it has a chemical basis to it. Now one way to handle this is by popping chemicals from the outside. This is happening large-scale. If someone wants to be healthy, he pops chemicals, peaceful — there are a set of chemicals, joyful — another set of chemicals. What we are forgetting is that ‘the’ most complex chemical factory on the planet is the human body itself. If we manage this well, and become the CEO of your own chemical factory, you will keep your chemistry blissful. Then you will have no fear of suffering and, once that fear is conquered, only then will you dare to explore the complete depth and dimension of your life. Otherwise, you will lead a very restricted life.

Your book talks about how one of the most effective tools of transforma­tion is Yoga. How is Isha Yoga that you propagate different from the dozen other yoga practices followed around the world?

In the western part of the world, people understand Yoga as a physical exercise, which is a complete misunderst­anding.

The word Yoga means ‘union’ and this means in some way you have obliterate­d the boundaries of your individual­ity. Right now, it’s only because inhalation and exhalation are happening that you are alive. The moment you set a clear boundary between you and the outside world, you are gone. In experienti­al level, you can experience the entire cosmos as yourself. You are in an absolute inclusive state.

There is an intelligen­ce in every one of us that can turn a banana or a piece of bread into a human being. Even if a drop of intelligen­ce becomes accessible to you, your life will be magical.

What can the common man do to balance his spiritual and worldly life and yet be successful in his career? Is there a formula for this?

Why are we even thinking that being spiritual and being successful are even contradict­ory to each other? This comes from a misunderst­anding that spirituali­ty is some kind of a disability. Spirituali­ty is a phenomenal empowermen­t.

The area of success is something you can choose. You may not be as successful as someone else, but you may be successful in a different way. The more you know about a certain object of use, the better you can use it.

The UAE has formed the Ministry of Happiness and there is a lot of emphasis on happiness amongst residents. Is this in sync with your concept of happiness?

Happiness is not a concept, it is human experience and human beings are happy. It is a wonderful thing that a nation or state comes up with this commitment towards [the] happiness of the citizens. Not just to build roads and bridges, but the intent that they want to be the cause. How successful they will be is something else, but they have an intent and that is wonderful.

We approach all aspects of our life on the outside in a scientific manner using all kinds of technologi­es; it is important that we also address our inner wellbeing in a scientific manner using technologi­es of well-being.” Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev | Isha Yoga proponent

 ?? Atiq-ur-Rehman/Gulf News ?? Sadhguru Jaggi speaks during the event at the Dubai World Trade Centre on Friday.
Atiq-ur-Rehman/Gulf News Sadhguru Jaggi speaks during the event at the Dubai World Trade Centre on Friday.

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