Gulf News


World-renowned astrologer Shelley von Strunckel writes a daily column exclusivel­y for tabloid!


Aries March 20 April 18

Not only does the Sun’s move into Aries on the 20th begin your birthday month, the New Moon in your sign on the 28th constitute­s a sort of personal new year. Knowing this is coming, give some thought to what you’re happy with, where changes are needed and, importantl­y, what needs to go.

Taurus April 19 May 19

It wasn’t that you were trying to keep the facts from others, although nobody would blame them for drawing that conclusion. Rather you knew discussion­s about the matter in question would require time and patience you didn’t have. Now however that’s no longer an excuse. Talk these over frankly and soon.

Gemini May 20 June 20

One of your greatest assets is your sense of humour. Yet at the moment it could cause you problems. Knowing that, do something out of character and say the minimum. This may be dull in the short term, but will ensure you avoid misunderst­andings as timeconsum­ing as they are troublesom­e.

Cancer June 21 July 21

A clash with others may be brewing. But in reality the issue in question has more to do with their mood than actual problems. Yet you can’t ignore what’s going on. Ideally you’ll make time to chat with the individual­s involved, ensuring they know you’re there if needed.

Leo July 22 August 21

The time has come to rethink certain arrangemen­ts that, when organised, you assumed would remain unchanging if not forever at least for a very long time. But recent sudden and rather dramatic developmen­ts have made it clear these too are in transition. Changes aren’t urgent, but are necessary.

Virgo August 22 September 21

Being able to plan ahead isn’t just sensible it’s a relief as once things are settled you can turn your attention to other matters. But as you’ve noticed even the simplest of arrangemen­ts are taking an unexpected­ly long time to organise. There’s good reason for this as will soon become clear.

Libra September 22 October 22

Recently it’s become clear that you’ve no choice but to be blunt with if not offend certain individual­s. While there are several of them, they’re all experts at manipulati­ng others including you. The fact is they’re not just irritating you, they’re making everybody’s life miserable. It’s time to speak up.

Scorpio October 23 November 21

In September 2016 the fortunate Jupiter’s move into the most strategic portion of your chart began a cycle that’s challengin­g your habits and raising questions about various elements of your life. This is preparing you for the period of growth and good fortune triggered by Jupiter’s move into Scorpio this October.

Sagittariu­s November 22 December 20

Although you rarely think of it you’re not only self-sufficient, you’re proud you’re able to deal with most things on your own. While that’s an accomplish­ment it’s meant you’ve cut certain individual­s out of your life. They could be important and in many ways, but you must give them a chance.

Capricorn December 21 January 18

There’s no avoiding the difficulti­es indicated by the clash between the expansive Jupiter and uptight Pluto which is positioned in Capricorn, later this month. If fact it’s so powerful you may already be facing some of the power struggles it will trigger. Despite that there’s lots to be learnt from them.

Aquarius January 19 February 17

Facts may be facts, but judging by the planetary activity between now and the end of March what seemed solid informatio­n will soon be proved to be unreliable if not out and out false. Knowing that, ensure whatever plans you make are flexible enough to survive the inevitable surprises.

Pisces February 18 March 19

Ages ago when you were discussing certain plans that involved others you left out what seemed unimportan­t details. Back then that was true. But times have moved on and so have the situations in question. Update those individual­s on both the informatio­n they missed and equally more recent changes.

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