Gulf News

Foreign ministers endorse all items on meeting agenda

They affirm UAE’s sovereignt­y over its three islands that have been occupied by Iran


Arab foreign ministers on Monday adopted all items included on the agenda of their meeting which was convened in Amman ahead of the Arab Summit yesterday.

The agenda includes a draft resolution affirming UAE sovereignt­y over its three islands of Abu Mousa, Greater Tunb and Lesser Tunb, occupied by Iran and supporting all peaceful measures being taken by the UAE to regain its sovereignt­y over the islands.

Meetings of the Arab League at the level of foreign ministers kicked off on Monday on the Dead Sea shores, in the presence of the League’s Secretary General, Ahmad Abu Al Geit. During the meeting, Minister of Foreign and Expatriate Affairs, Ayman Safadi, assumed the presidency of the meeting from his Egyptian counterpar­t Sameh Shukri, according to the Jordan News Agency.

At the meeting, held at the Kempinski Hotel, the ministers discussed a number of political, security and economic issues in the region.

They submitted the recommenda­tions on these issues to be discussed during the meeting of the Council of the League of Arab States at its 28th ordinary session.

The Palestinia­n issue and the Arab-Israeli conflict, with all its developmen­ts including the peace efforts, the Arab peace initiative, the Israeli colonies and violations of occupied Jerusalem, as well as Arab water security and other related issues will top the agenda of the meeting.

UN Special Envoy to Syria Staffan de Mistura briefed the ministers on the Geneva talks and the Astana consultati­ons that aim at reaching a political solution to the Syrian crisis to ensure that ceasefire will hold. The ministers also discussed the latest serious developmen­ts in Libya, Yemen as well as other Arab and regional issues.

The meeting also tackled a number of issues listed on its agenda, top of which are global terrorism and the means of combating it, maintainin­g Arab national security, the threat of Israeli armament to Arab national security and internatio­nal peace.

The ministers also focused on Arab relations with internatio­nal and regional groups as well as the developmen­t of the Arab League, economic, legal and human rights issues.

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