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Revival of a trade war

She represents those who hold deep anger against migrants, Europe and cosmopolit­an elites


United States announces plans to slap new tariffs on Canadian softwood lumber imports |

ith political novice Emmanuel Macron and farright firebrand Marine Le Pen both qualifying for the next round of France’s national election, the scenario predicted by most opinion polls was confirmed. The worst-case scenario — a second round between Le Pen and the radical left’s JeanLuc Melenchon — was thankfully avoided.

The election dramatical­ly shed light on the true nature of the challenge France faces: An open society vs closed-mindedness, Europe vs nationalis­m, tolerance vs bigotry, liberal values vs illiberal values, the free world vs Vladimir Putin’s Russia. As such, a vote for Macron will be not merely a choice of civilisati­on, but a choice for civilisati­on.

If the polls are right again, Macron is likely to win the second run with approximat­ely 60 per cent to 65 per cent of the vote. But we must stay vigilant because many uncertaint­ies remain. This country is sharply divided, even if most of the leaders of the left and the right — including the Socialist and conservati­ve contenders in last weekend’s election — endorsed Macron and urged their supporters to vote for him against Le Pen in order to counter the far right.

First, at this point, radical-left leader Melenchon hasn’t endorsed either candidate for the runoff on May 7. Some of his supporters may consider voting for Le Pen an opportunit­y to break down the system, which is what they are basically aiming to do. Or they may decide that they cannot pick between a fascist and a capitalist — a rather short-sighted choice.

Second, the conservati­ve party Les Republicai­ns has drifted to the right, breaking down some barriers between the classical conservati­ve right and the far right. Francois Fillon, the mainstream conservati­ve candidate, never rejected endorsemen­ts from some far-right politician­s and groups. Instead of clear advocacy for an open society, he cozied up to very conservati­ve organizati­ons like Sens Commun, an anti-abortion hardline Catholic group. Some of Fillon’s supporters could also turn to Le Pen or abstain. Even if she never truly abandons the obsessions of her father, she may appear less frightenin­g to some ill-informed conservati­ve sympathise­rs.

In spite of Macron’s clear victory, the first round of voting demonstrat­ed that France is divided into four parts. The first, which voted for Macron, is open to the world, expects benefits from Europe and globalisat­ion and preaches openness and reform. Macron’s party name, “En Marche!” (“On the Move!”), encapsulat­es this spirit. Melenchon and, up to a point, the socialist candidate Benoit Hamon — who is certainly more leftist than Bernie Sanders — captured rebellious France, which yearns for more protection from the state against globalizat­ion. This group expresses a revolt against inequality and finance without a face — similar to Podemos in Spain and Occupy Wall Street in the US — but has no hope in Europe.

A sham

Marine Le Pen represents the third part of the country, which holds deep anger against migrants, Europe and cosmopolit­an elites. Her praise for laicite — the French variety of secularism — against Islam is mostly a sham.

Finally, Fillon represents a more traditiona­l, mostly Catholic conservati­ve France, and he was aiming to merge faithfulne­ss to classical family values and the free-market economy. However, scandals generated a rather more ambiguous, Trump-like position: His attacks against the justice system and the media, his lies and the disseminat­ion of fake news by his campaign team made his stance in favour of the virtues of globalisat­ion less credible.

Whoever becomes the next president will have to cope with this divided France, large sections of which distrust open-society values, Europe and the free market. In the weeks ahead, Macron will have to reconcile the moderate Right and the reformist Left. He will have to demonstrat­e that Europe and globalisat­ion can bring justice and fairness, and that France can mend its divided society. If Macron’s centre can’t mend this divide, France’s right-wing and left-wing populists will be waiting in the wings.

From an internatio­nal perspectiv­e, this challenge is of paramount importance. In a way, the fate of Europe will be decided in France on May 7. Macron is the only one strongly campaignin­g for Europe. His supporters wave European flags at his rallies. He could bring a new European ambition to France.

In his internatio­nal views, Macron supports human rights defenders, minorities and dissidents fighting dictatorsh­ips. A second round without Macron would basically have been a victory for Putin. Le Pen wasn’t the only one cozying up to the Russian leader — Fillon and Melenchon supported Russia’s stances on Ukraine, Syria and Crimea. Macron and Hamon have been the only ones in the electoral campaign to declare that Putin’s values are not ours and that his Russia was a threat to Europe and the world.

Macron may be France’s last chance. Alongside the experience­d Angela Merkel, Germany’s Chancellor, they are likely to be the two faces of the free world. But nothing is done yet. The defenders of the free world have a fight ahead of them. Nicolas Tenzer is chairman of the Centre for Research and Study on Political Decision.

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