Gulf News

Regimes blamed for refugee crisis



African countries are becoming increasing­ly repressive and causing more people to leave their homes, Oxfam says |

African countries are becoming increasing­ly repressive and causing more people to leave their homes, British charity Oxfam said this week, as Germany warned of the destabilis­ing effect migration is having on the continent.

Political freedom and the problem of Africa’s braindrain were among the leading issues on the agenda at the World Economic Forum on Africa held in Durban which wrapped up on Friday.

Oxfam’s executive director Winnie Byanyima said that “repressive laws on freedom of associatio­n and speech” were “a driver of migration.”

German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble warned at the gathering that “if we fail to stabilise the African continent in the years and decades to come, we will face increasing geopolitic­al risks” — including more migrant arrivals in Europe.

South African President Jacob Zuma, who hosted the forum of African movers and shakers, described the handling of migration as among the “critical challenges facing the world”.

Spending on security

The total number of migrants worldwide reached 244 million in 2015, and among them a record 63 million were forced to leave their homes, including refugees, people displaced within their own countries and asylum seekers, the World Food Programme said on Friday.

Byanyima said that massive outflows from Africa were a damning verdict on the performanc­e of the continent’s political class.

“That is a judgement on the leadership we have on our continent, failing to create economic opportunit­ies for their people,” she said.

“In many of those countries you have repressive illegitima­te regimes that spend the money that should go toward empowering their people on security systems, on monitoring their people, opposition­s and silencing media.”

A recent survey by CIVICUS, which monitors freedoms worldwide, found that only two African countries were fully open — the island nations of Cape Verde and Sao Tome & Principe. Not one country on the African mainland was found to be free.

Byanyima also criticised wealthy government­s which have diverted their aid budgets into covering the costs of refugee arrivals.

“Rich countries must stop repurposin­g aid, they must maintain aid for the conflictaf­fected countries. They must not divert it to meeting refugee costs in their countries or their security needs. They must maintain it for fighting poverty,” she said.

“If they help to make countries stable, to achieve inclusive growth then people will not want to leave their homes. Developmen­t cooperatio­n is a tool for peace and stability.”

In many of those countries you have repressive illegitima­te regimes that spend the money that should go toward empowering their people on security systems.” Winnie Byanyima | Oxfam director

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