Gulf News

Humanitari­an safe zones a necessity in Syria

There will have to be complete support from and agreement between all stakeholde­rs over a protracted period to make these a success


nce again it appears Russian President Vladimir Putin has seized the strategic high ground and initiative in Syria, as he declared that he has broad agreement for humanitari­an safe zones across Syria after discussion­s with his United States counterpar­t Donald Trump, Turkey and Iran. He claims he can enable the ceasefire brokered in Astana some weeks ago, which currently is an abject failure, by creating no-fly zones with the Russian, Turkish, Iranian and US militaries protecting safe zones on the ground. He also, thankfully, acknowledg­es that United Nations troops might be required.

However unpalatabl­e it is to agree with Putin, after six years of civil war, more than 500,000 deaths, numerous chemical weapon attacks and the country virtually razed to the ground, if he and Trump can enable the Geneva process to produce a democratic solution, I for one am prepared to give it a chance and lend my support and effort. I urge the British Prime Minister, Theresa May, to play a leading role and allow the United Kingdom to poke its head out of the mire of Brexit and the election and flex its not inconsider­able diplomatic and military skills in order to help the devastated country.

The safe-zone concept recognises that the vast majority of Syrians want to remain in Syria, or return to Syria if it is free of tyranny and terror. Russia appears chastened after the US air strikes, which I firmly supported; but Putin is no fool and should want peace in Syria as much as anyone. As such, he appears to be courting Trump to support this. No doubt requesting the lifting of sanctions that are crippling the Russian economy as a quid pro quo for delivering this essential peace plan. Putin is suggesting four safe zones initially, in Idlib province, Homs northern suburbs, East Gouta and South Syria. These places have all been devastated by Syrian regime barrel bombs, Russian air strikes, chemical weapons, attacks on hospitals: Any type of peace will be welcomed there.

The Syrian air force should be grounded. British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson has already suggested that British troops could be available in this role, and I would favour a majority western force. This force would enable aid delivery and reconstruc­tion, which should create the positive conditions in which the Geneva process can unfold. Nobody is under any illusions about the challenges ahead. They will require complete Turkish, Russian, Iranian, US, UK, UN support and agreement, and over a protracted period. There are several parties in this fight, but the US is the biggest of them all.

Significan­t resources are required for success, but less than that involved in housing five to 12 million Syrians elsewhere and allowing the terminal decline of a shattered nation. However distastefu­l I find it to support Putin’s initiative, especially after his forces have repeatedly bombed UOSSM (Union of Medical Care and Relief Organisati­ons) hospitals and killed staff, I have shouted for safe zones since my first trip to Syria in 2013, and I will continue to do so for the good of Syria. I will also, with many others, continue to collect evidence, so those who are guilty of the many atrocities perpetrate­d on the country will one day face justice at the Internatio­nal Criminal Court.

Hamish de Bretton-Gordon is a director of Doctors Under Fire and an adviser to the Union of Medical Care and Relief Organisati­ons.

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