Gulf News

Resisting the temptation­s of Bonapartis­m

Winning power is one thing, but it is quite another matter to exercise power effectivel­y

- Special to Gulf News

rance is sometimes considered economical­ly, socially and politicall­y vulnerable — even more so than the United Kingdom, United States or Germany. After the UK’s Brexit vote and Donald Trump’s victory in the US presidenti­al election, surely this was seen as Marine Le Pen’s window of opportunit­y. Some of us, only half-jokingly, have even mused about where we would flee if Le Pen won. Between a Britain that is leaving the European Union, and a US under Trump, there are few good options.

Fortunatel­y, reason and hope prevailed over anger and fear, and French citizens defied those who warned that populism might triumph in the land of the French Revolution. While a Le Pen victory is still technicall­y possible, the compositio­n of the French electorate makes it highly unlikely. Very few of Melenchon’s leftist voters will cross over to the extreme Right. And while some of the centre-right candidate Francois Fillon’s supporters may now vote for Le Pen, it will not be enough to sway the election in her favour.

In other words, the French exception is alive and well. France’s contrarian electorate has demonstrat­ed to the world — and especially to the Anglo-Saxon world — that one need not betray one’s defining values to defeat populism. Despite a recent wave of terror attacks, the French have proved their resilience against the politics of fear. And even with Euroscepti­cism on the rise, the pro-European candidate, Emmanuel Macron, received more votes than any other.

Exceptiona­l circumstan­ces sometimes give rise to exceptiona­l characters. Without the French Revolution, Napoleon Bonaparte would have remained a junior officer in the French Royal Army. Similarly, albeit less dramatical­ly, if France’s two main political parties had not collapsed, the 39-year-old Macron, who was unknown to most French voters a year ago, would still be just another economic whizz kid.

Macron looks like a French John F. Kennedy and he campaigned in the mode of Barack Obama. But he got where he is because the Socialist Party of Francois Mitterrand is dead, and the conservati­ve Les Republicai­ns are in a shambles. The Socialists, for their part, could not come up with a modern political agenda. And the Republican­s failed to tap another candidate after Fillon became tainted by scandal.

As a result, France, despite its reputation for melancholy, self-doubt and pessimism, is about to elect its youngestev­er president. At that point, however, Macron will face a whole new set of challenges, starting with legislativ­e elections that are scheduled for next month. Will Macron end up with a governing majority in the National Assembly, or will the Right present a united front and force him into the uniquely French practice of cohabitati­on?

In France’s semi-presidenti­al system, cohabitati­on means that the executive branch can become paralysed if the president and the prime minister represent different political factions. But Macron wants to prove that he can implement the majority-coalition model followed in parliament­ary systems, with an “alliance of the willing”, comprising different but compatible political sensitivit­ies, pursuing a common goal.

Defending global openness

To my mind, France is ripe for a coalition government that can transcend increasing­ly anachronis­tic left-right political lines. The real political divide in France, as in so much of the West, is now between those who defend global openness and those who favour a return to nationalis­t isolation.

Macron will have to acknowledg­e the cultural roots of traditiona­l left-right divisions, while also addressing the deepseated, revolution­ary anger that now exists in France. Despite Macron’s strong showing in the first round, some 40 per cent of the French electorate voted for the Euroscepti­c candidates Le Pen and Melenchon. Restoring these voters’ confidence in existing institutio­ns, and reintegrat­ing them into the political mainstream, will not be easy. Defeated parties will be tempted to take to the streets and block attempts at reform. Having failed at the ballot box, they may — in traditiona­l French revolution­ary fashion — resort to “the barricades”.

Macron has demonstrat­ed his immense qualities as a candidate. After May 7, he will have to prove that, despite his youth and lack of experience, he can become a great president. Winning power is one thing; but it is another matter to exercise power effectivel­y, while avoiding the authoritar­ian tendencies that can emerge under extraordin­ary circumstan­ces.

That is the task facing Macron. Driven by a sense of destiny, he must resist the temptation­s of Bonapartis­m. In the meantime, the democratic world should see Macron for what he is: A beacon of hope in a sea of doubt and despair. Dominique Moisi is senior counsellor at the Institut Montaigne in Paris.

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