Gulf News

Israelis impervious to Palestinia­n demands

For a state that eschews human rights and thrives on condemnati­on, showing a little compassion might be a hill too far to climb

- Special to Gulf News

ore than 6,500 Palestinia­ns are incarcerat­ed in Israeli prisons. Among them, 57 women and 317 children. More than 800,000 have suffered the same fate since 1948 — at least three times greater than the current population of Bethlehem. Many have been arbitraril­y detained without being formally charged or tried. Palestinia­n children receive mandatory sentences for the ‘crime’ of throwing stones, a law that is not applied to their Israeli peers who have committed far more serious offences.

Israelis bristle when their country is termed an apartheid state. It surely is when Jewish West Bank colonists who burn Palestinia­n olive groves and attack their owners enjoy virtual immunity from prosecutio­n. A video of an Israeli soldier choking a small boy with an injured arm elicited viewers’ tears on social media. The Israeli soldier who murdered a wounded 21-year-old Palestinia­n youth last year, while his victim was lying immobilise­d on the ground, was sentenced to a mere 18 months. Contrast that with the 14-month sentence received by Amal Ahmad Al Sada, a Palestinia­n woman who attempted to smuggle a phone Sim card to her detained brother.

The world’s spotlight finally shines on the plight of the once-forgotten oppressed imprisoned Palestinia­ns, However, its glow has failed to illuminate the stony hearts of Israeli officials.

A hunger strike initiated by the influentia­l Palestinia­n politician, Marwan Barghouti, on April 17 inspired 1,500 prisoners to heed his call. Strikers are demanding an end to being treated like worse than caged animals, deprived of family visits and access to lawyers, held for long periods in solitary confinemen­t and subjected to frequent prison transfers. They are also asking for improved medical care.

Prerequisi­tes for life

It’s been a month since the strike began and it is taking a harsh toll on steadfast participan­ts surviving on water and salt, the prerequisi­tes for life, in particular those with health issues. In some cases, jailors have confiscate­d the salt that the prisoners had in their possession, but they continue undeterred. Some are planning to refuse even water if their demands go unmet.

Palestinia­n singer Mohammad Assaf triggered the ‘Salt Water Challenge’ campaign when his downing of a glass was captured on video. Gaza’s hotels and restaurant­s took everything other than salt and water off their menus. Rallies were held in Lebanon’s Palestinia­n camps where youths announced their own hunger strike.

Similar expression­s of solidarity are gathering pace around the world. British, Irish, Swedish, Spanish and South African supporters of the hunger strikers took to the streets last Sunday. Dublin flew the Palestinia­n flag. South African officials, including one of the two vice-presidents and the country’s Ambassador to Qatar, Professor S.M. Soni, as well as politician­s and journalist­s announced their intention of going without food for 24 hours. “We only have two types of humans. Those who support a non-racial, non-sexist and democratic society and those that support apartheid and the occupation of Palestinia­n,” Soni said.

Until now, Israeli officials are unmoved and despite warnings from the Palestinia­n National Authority that their failure to negotiate with prisoner leaders could spark a major uprising, compromise is absent from the Israeli government’s agenda.The Hebrew University also showed its disdain for the prisoners’ plight. It cancelled a conference on that very topic organised by The Harry S Truman Research Institute, in response to criticism from a students’ group aligned to the right-wing Jewish Home Party.

The concern is that rather than being embarrasse­d by prisoners starving to death, prisons may resort to force-feeding the inmates. Forcefeedi­ng has been identified by the Red Cross and the American Medical Associatio­n as a form of torture. Yet, Israel considers it to be a legal option.

All the strikers want is to be treated as human beings with rights. All Israel has to do to end this standoff is to comply with accepted internatio­nal norms. But for a state that eschews human rights and thrives on condemnati­on, showing a little compassion might be a hill too far to climb.

Linda S. Heard is an award-winning British political columnist and guest television commentato­r with a focus on the Middle East.

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Israeli colonist shoots dead Palestinia­n Writing project gives Gaza youth a voice

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