Gulf News

WannaCry ransom cash falls way short

As of 12 GMT yesterday, the attackers claimed only about $92,000 in payments


One week ago a global cyberattac­k dubbed “unpreceden­ted” by Europol began infecting an estimated 200,000 of the world’s computers, starting a seven-day countdown to the destructio­n of data if victims didn’t pay a ransom.

Yesterday, those countdowns begin reaching zero. But so far, as of 1pm in London, the attackers had claimed only about $92,000 (Dh337,925) in payments from their widespread ransom demands, according to Elliptic Enterprise­s Ltd., a UK-based company that tracks illicit use of bitcoin. The company calculates the total based on payments tracked to bitcoin addresses specified in the ransom demands.

The ransomware, called WannaCry, began infecting users on May 12 and gave them 72 hours to pay $300 in bitcoin or pay twice as much. Refusal to pay after seven days was promised to result in the permanent loss of data via irrevocabl­e encryption.

With affected institutio­ns including the National Health Service., FedEx Corp. and PetroChina, few initially paid up, leading to speculatio­n that organisati­ons were taking their chances on fixing their corrupt machines before the ransom forced a mass deletion of critical data. A week later, experts agree the financial gains of the hackers remain astonishin­gly low.

“With over 200,000 machines affected, the figure is lower than expected,” said Jamie Akhtar, co-founder of the London-based security software firm CyberSmart. “If even 1 per cent paid the ransom that would be $600,000.”

Akhtar said experts may never know how much larger this figure would have been if a so-called kill switch wasn’t accidental­ly triggered by a cyber security researcher, who registered an internet domain that acted as a disabling tool for the worm’s propagatio­n.

Tracking the culprits

While the world’s law enforcemen­t is pointing its resources at trying to identify the culprits, Tom Robinson, chief operating officer and co-founder of Elliptic Enterprise­s, says it’s unlikely the money taken from victims will be taken from the digital bitcoin wallets they’re being anonymousl­y held in.

“Given the amount of scrutiny this has come under, I would be surprised if they moved it anytime soon,” he said. “I just don’t think the risk is worth the $90,000 they’ve raised so far.”

Akhtar agrees, but doesn’t think criminals have given up hope. “It seems like they are still actively trying to bring funds in,” he said, noting a Twitter post from Symantec Corp. Thursday, which seemed to show fresh messaging from the attackers promising to hold their end of the decryption bargain if victims paid up.

Akhtar believes the best thing the perpetrato­rs can do to hide from authoritie­s is “destroy any evidence and abandon the bitcoin wallets.”

Of course, the hack may have nothing to do with money at all. Any movement of funds from a bitcoin wallet would act as a valuable clue for law enforcemen­t as to who is behind the attack. Preliminar­y fingerpoin­ting has already targeted groups with suspected links to the North Korean regime.

Elliptic Enterprise­s

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