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Headwinds at the heart of inequality

But rather than blame life circumstan­ces, turn the focus to creating tail winds


ost Americans view current levels of economic inequality as a problem: In fact, for 30 years, Gallup Polls have consistent­ly found a clear majority supporting a more even distributi­on of wealth and income.

But there is far less agreement on how to achieve that goal. Do we need to level the playing field so that people born to modest circumstan­ces have a better chance? Should we be trying to instill a stronger work ethic in the US, and build a more robust culture of hard work?

Counterpro­ductive and, at times, bitter arguments bog down the search for solutions. A recent paper by psychologi­sts Shai Davidai of the New School of Social Research and Thomas Gilovich of Cornell University reveals a quirk in human psychology that, I think, is responsibl­e for some of our failure to make much progress on those issues. Understand­ing that quirk could help us find common ground on how to help the poorest Americans.

In public talks, Gilovich illustrate­s the research findings by displaying two separate Google image searches. The first, for “headwind”, elicits many pages of vivid cartoons and photo images, as you will see if you try it yourself. But if you search for “tail wind”, you will be hard pressed to find any compelling images at all.

One metaphor is well represente­d, both in our imaginatio­ns and in our iconograph­y, while the other is neglected.

This asymmetry reflects a deeper psychologi­cal bias: We tend to remember the obstacles we have overcome more vividly than the advantages we have been given. This bias is embedded in our day-to-day lives.

Most of our time and energy goes toward overcoming the challenges immediatel­y in front of us. Headwinds demand attention because they must be overcome. Tail winds may evoke a momentary sense of well-being and gratitude; but primarily, they free us to focus elsewhere, on challenges that must be overcome.

Davidai and Gilovich show some of the broader social and political consequenc­es of this psychologi­cal asymmetry.

They find, for example, that both Democrats and Republican­s believe that electoral maps are not apportione­d to their advantage. The scholars also find that, within families, people tend to think their parents were tougher on them than their siblings recognise.

Of course, we don’t really know what is going on inside everyone’s mind, but it does appear that many of us over-represent the obstacles we face. In many autobiogra­phies, for example, even fortunate people, born to rich, loving families, look back on life and remember all the things that stood in their way.

Not only do we play the starring role in our own life stories, but those stories often revolve around struggle. I see this tendency in myself. When it comes to education, I have won not just one but several birth lotteries: Many children born next to me in rural India struggled to obtain anything beyond simple primary education and maybe a decent high school.

Yet I had some of the best educationa­l resources placed right in front of me all the way through my doctorate at Harvard. I would be foolish if I did not remind myself of these advantages every day. Yet it is telling that I do need to remind myself.

My spontaneou­s thoughts are of the challenges I faced, not the advantages I had.

Persistent disagreeme­nts

This cognitive bias, I think, sheds light on persistent disagreeme­nts over inequality and opportunit­y that affect many of us in American society. When we see our own past in terms of the headwinds we managed to overcome, it is easy to attribute the failure of others to a lack of perseveran­ce.

When poor children drop out of high school, someone who complains that these children don’t have an adequate work ethic may be rememberin­g educationa­l hurdles that she managed to surmount early in her own life. We often disagree over the source of our success: Those who emphasise the existence of birth lotteries point to the easy ride the well-off have had.

Yet relatively privileged people may look at their own lives and feel, “I’ve struggled too.” Arguing about these perception­s doesn’t seem to be productive. We may try a different approach.

Poverty, after all, is not only caused by strong headwinds; it is also characteri­sed by a lack of tail winds. If we work on creating more tail winds — by giving poor children more advantages — we can solve many otherwise intractabl­e problems.

Consider that by high school, poor children are doing much worse than those from well-off families. Researcher­s have found that most of this gap accumulate­s not during the school year, but in the summer months.

In Baltimore, for example, a study has found that the entire achievemen­t gap between the poor and the well-off is accounted for by learning disparitie­s in the summer. During these months, richer children benefit from summer programmes and books around the house, and, more broadly, from the myriad advantages of having parents with the resources, knowledge and time to intellectu­ally engage them.

Even conversati­on around the dinner table can be a tail wind. Closing the achievemen­t gap could, then, be about generating tail winds for poor children. In many ways, the provision of decent public education is itself a tailwind; it is, if not a complete equaliser, more equal than home life.

But we could do more. For example, some have suggested the creation of a Summer Opportunit­y Scholarshi­p to help low-income youth. From a public policy perspectiv­e, it may be easier to agree on creating tail winds than on removing headwinds.

Even people who take great pride in having gotten ahead through hard work can, if prompted and upon reflection, recognise the tail winds that helped them. This recognitio­n does not detract from their genuine effort.

Instead, it can be a moment to be thankful, perhaps for a family member who believed in you, or an unexpected piece of good fortune at just the right time. By focusing on tail winds, we can sidestep potential disagreeme­nts about the role of personal responsibi­lity and initiative.

Even with a tail wind, hard work is still needed; that work just yields more reward. A summer scholarshi­p is not a substitute for serious effort. We could garner support for such programmes by asking people to remember the tail winds in their past: It is a small step from gratitude for one’s blessings to the realisatio­n that everyone can use a little help, the poor most of all.

 ?? Hugo Sanchez/©Gulf News ??
Hugo Sanchez/©Gulf News

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