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- World-renowned astrologer Shelley von Strunckel writes a daily column exclusivel­y for tabloid!

Aries March 20 April 18

Recently everything seemed organised. Yet you’re now facing an obstacle. Or so it seems. Actually this is about the Sun’s clash with sensible Saturn which involves careful analysis and assessing who and what is trustworth­y. If this seems dull consider those times in the past when you wish you’d been as cautious.

Taurus April 19 May 19

Talking over ideas is one thing. But getting everybody together when both the mood and circumstan­ces are right won’t be easy, at least now. If you must discuss these matters keep things brief and to the point, knowing you can go into details when others are feeling more agreeable.

Gemini May 20 June 20

Judging by this changeable week’s tricky planetary activity, while those who’re being dishonest could get away with a lot honesty won’t always be recognised for what it is. Distressin­g as that sounds this won’t last long. The trick of course is to view everything as questionab­le at least until next week.

Cancer June 21 July 21

As a fire sign you not only rather enjoy a lively debate with others if the individual in question is well informed about something of interest you can learn a lot. Now however most of those you’re facing are feeling irritable so have nothing to offer. Diplomatic­ally avoid discussion­s of any variety.

Leo July 22 August 21

Somebody has a talent for using criticism to manipulate others. You’ve fallen for it in the past and could again. The individual in question subtly changes their technique which means you won’t spot their manoeuvres until you’ve said yes. Should that happen, back out and without an excuse or an apology.

Virgo August 22 September 21

Being a cautious thorough Virgo, when you organise something you do so with the intention of things going smoothly. You sometimes forget that not everybody cares about this and that in fact many give little thought to such matters. However that explains their need to make constant changes in even simple plans.

Libra September 22 October 22

Only recently you made several compromise­s prompted primarily by the requests of others. They explained their position and charmingly appealed to your good nature. You explained this would inconvenie­nce you, but despite that, agreed. Now that you have, they’re back to normal which is to say thoughtles­s if not rude.

Scorpio October 23 November 21

Admitting you’re wrong isn’t a problem. If you are. However because you were born under perhaps the most painstakin­g sign of the zodiac that’s rarely the case. This hasn’t prevented one particular individual from accusing you of errors and with alarming frequency. Say nothing. They’ll soon lose interest and focus on somebody else.

Sagittariu­s November 22 December 20

As much as you enjoy a lively exchange of ideas those who turn discussion­s into tales of woe or, even worse, ask about your problems, then play the role of therapist are incredibly annoying. The most challengin­g part is escaping. Hints won’t work. You may simply have to politely but firmly end the conversati­on.

Capricorn December 21 January 18

Long ago you learnt that often those who you’ve trusted to get something done have a different approach from yours. Not only is their pace slower, they’re far less determined to see results. Tempting as it is to ask what their problem is there isn’t one. They’re simply less driven than you are.

Aquarius January 19 February 17

For ages you’ve kept worries about longstandi­ng difficulti­es to yourself mostly because you dreaded the dramas that tackling these could lead to. But now the situation is bad enough you’re willing to take a chance. Ironically you’ll soon discover that there was no reason for concern of any kind.

Pisces February 18 March 19

This isn’t the first time you’ve faced last minute changes in plans. However it may be one of the most inconvenie­nt especially in terms of already tense relations with others. Tempting as it is to put off suggesting those changes they’re not only a good idea they’ll be far better received than you anticipate.

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