Gulf News

Together we can make a huge difference


J une 23 was celebrated as United Nations Public Service Day. Service to society is a responsibi­lity of each and every one of us. We must help the vulnerable and less fortunate ones. There are thousands going hungry to bed every day, children and women walking miles to get a glass of water and many dying of illness, which can be cured with proper medical assistance. A little help from many of us can bring about a huge difference. From Mr Razeen Ashique Sharjah

Qatar choosing wrong

I t is unfortunat­e that Qatar continues to apply old anti-Saudi Arabia policies (‘Gargash says Qatar boycott could last for years’, Gulf News, June 20). As economic pressure builds up, things will get tougher for them unless they decide to change. Let us hope and pray it is sooner than later. From Mr Faisal Seddiqi Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Facebook comment

Protect others

S ome of these so-call men who go around and disgrace themselves by molesting, raping, groping and abusing women or even children really need to know the real definition of manhood (‘Man jailed for groping woman in building’s staircase’, Gulf News, June 20). The reason God made us with bigger bodies wasn’t just to look good or make money, but also to protect those who need it, who are normally women and children. Since these abusers don’t understand nor know the definition of manhood, they should be punished severely and maybe they’ll understand that one of a man’s duty is to protect, not abuse. From Mr Manfred Anwanda UAE Facebook comment

New security policies

S ome facts are very unfortunat­e, but at the same time it is necessary to raise these issues (‘JVT residents frustrated

with security management’, Gulf News, June 20). With regards to this neighbourh­ood, they have recently implemente­d new “security” requiremen­ts and not only in Jumeirah Village Triangle, which don’t seem to be logical at all and are too exaggerate­d. From Mr Gunay Rzayeva UAE Facebook comment

Are they serious?

A s someone living there, they are blocking legit service providers, but allowing in illegal workers and dodgy flyer distribute­rs? Also, the community management is not serious — abandoned cars are everywhere. Some have been parked for two years already. Rotting landscapin­g and garbage. Walkways are dangerous with potholes everywhere. From Ms Wiltrud Matthes Dubai Facebook comment

Keep on giving

E id for me is time to celebrate with family and the greatest satisfacti­on is when you give. Ramadan is the month of giving and we ensure we provide food for the needy. I wish everyone made an effort on a monthly basis and made every month special by sharing whatever they can with the needy. If this happens on an individual level to an organisati­onal level, we will see tremendous change in society. The power of simplicity, the power of compassion and love is phenomenal. Helping other humans is the best form to reach out to almighty. We believe that hands that helps are holier than lips that pray. From Mr Ramaprasad Macharlu Srinivasam­urthy UAE

More grateful this year

E id Al Fitr has a great significan­ce in every Muslim household and the Eid holidays are something everybody in our family looks forward to. It is the time we usually plan short trips to the neighbouri­ng emirates or GCC countries. In 2015, we went on a road trip to Oman to celebrate this joyous occasion. Upon reaching Oman past midnight, we were unable to get any bookings at the hotels. We had to snuggle up in the car for a couple of hours before being able to check in at one of the hotels. However, in 2016, Eid was not the same for us. It was a difficult phase for us. I had spent it in the hospital by my father’s side as he was undergoing treatment for his advanced stage of cancer back home. It was the first time in 28 years of my life that I was away from my home and my siblings. It actually taught me so much. It made me value my loved ones more than ever. It made me understand the importance of family and what life is. And above all, it helped strengthen the bond with my father. From Ms Fatima Suhail Ajman

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