Gulf News

Which house do you belong to?


1. Does your house have a Diadem? a) Who cares? b) What is a diadem? c) Yes d) No

2. Why would you go to the forbidden forest? a) I was the snitch that was punished b) Caught out of bed near Hagrid’s c and d) What?

3. Who are the ‘right’ wizarding families? a) The Crabbes b) The Lovegoods c) Ollivander’s family d) The Sprouts

4. Who is your favourite Hogwarts teacher? a) Dolores Umbridge b) Albus Dumbledore c) Professor Sprout d) Filius Flitwick 5. How would you rate your social life? a) As long as they help me succeed in life, they’re my friends b) Love meeting new people and making more friends regularly c) Very wary of new people, bordering on anti-social d) A tight circle of trusted


6. If you could be on the Quidditch team, what role would you play? a) Beater b) Seeker c) None, I’ll cheer from the crowd d) Chaser 7. If you could brew any potion at all, what would it be? a) Felix Felicis b) Living death c) Amortentia, or the love potion d) Too much work

8. What do you think of muggles? a) Filthy mug bloods b) Half my family is

muggle c and d) No comment

9. What would you use the Marauder’s Map for? a) Finding the room of

requiremen­t b) Getting away from

Filch c) Finding a way to

Honeydukes d) What?! I’m always up to good

10. If you were heading to Hogwarts, what would you like to learn first? a) Hexes and jinxes b) Flying on a broomstick c) Transfigur­ation d) Ability to talk to


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