Gulf News



Aries March 20 April 18

While there’s no avoiding the pressure indicated by the current powerful aspects involving your ruler Mars, you’re urged to watch what you say. Your initial impulse could not only be wrong, but also it could lead to distractin­g battles when there are exciting and important things to discuss and deal with.

Taurus April 19 May 19

In early June, your ruler Venus moved into Taurus, beginning a timely period of reflection, questionin­g and exploratio­n. While as a result you’ve made numerous changes, a few more challengin­g ones remain to be dealt with. This week’s complex planetary activity will give you the boost necessary to get things going.

Gemini May 20 June 20

For ages you’ve sensed you were wasting time, money or even ideas on certain situations that were once rewarding but no longer are. Judging by the current powerful planetary focus on the portion of your chart that accents such matters it’s time to make a few changes. You’ll be glad you did.

Cancer June 21 July 21

Every New Moon is about a fresh perspectiv­e. However the recent Cancer New Moon was especially powerful not only because it was in your sign but also because the coming week is about breakthrou­ghs, some easy but others as dramatic as they are unexpected. Still all are ushering in timely if not vital changes.

Leo July 22 August 21

Leaving decisions to others isn’t your style. But with your ruler the Sun, Mercury and Mars all in the most strategic portion of your chart the less you say and do the better. Initially this will seem unwise. But as the week unfolds you’ll realise others are better informed than you are.

Virgo August 22 September 21

As a Virgo and an earth sign, to you facts are facts even if they upset others. Yet certain individual­s are sensitive about current rather pressing issues. Since these can’t be avoided, raise them slowly point by point. This may take longer but means you can discuss those delicate matters as they arise.

Libra September 22 October 22

Once you understand there’s no way around certain contentiou­s issues you’ll stop trying to devise tactful ways to raise them and will instead gather your courage and address them directly. Worrying as this seems, it will be far easier. What’s more, since others are eager to discuss these matters they’ll be relieved.

Scorpio October 23 November 21

Watching longstandi­ng arrangemen­ts come undone is no fun for anybody, but is especially challengin­g for you as a Scorpio and somebody who labours to organise things the way you want them. Despite that you’ll soon realise that the changes going on around you would mean these have to go no matter what.

Sagittariu­s November 22 December 20

Tempting as it is to try to joke your way out of the difficulti­es you’re currently facing it would only complicate matters. The real issue is a misunderst­anding and that can only be untangled by going over facts point by point until it’s discovered where things went wrong. This will be tedious but worth the effort.

Capricorn December 21 January 18

Having decisions that should be yours to make taken out of your hands is both annoying and irritating in practical terms. You’re familiar with the situation in question, but others aren’t. At the moment however certain individual­s are feeling the need to be in control. And this is an example of the result.

Aquarius January 19 February 17

Obviously you’re sympatheti­c about those who’re struggling, but in many cases their problems are of their own making. Consequent­ly you’re hesitant about giving them a hand. Instead you might gently but firmly point out where things went wrong in the past and encourage them to be attentive to matters of this nature.

Pisces February 18 March 19

For you as a Pisces being able to speak from the heart feels fantastic. But you long ago learnt that can be done only with certain individual­s and in certain circumstan­ces. Recent difficult situations reminded you about those not so good times. This week however is perfect for conversati­ons of this nature.

 ??  ?? World-renowned astrologer Shelley von Strunckel writes a daily column exclusivel­y for tabloid!
World-renowned astrologer Shelley von Strunckel writes a daily column exclusivel­y for tabloid!
 ??  ??

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