Gulf News

Nikki Haley: Israel’s ‘bully’ at the UN

By agreeing to the Zionist regime’s pseudo-reality, the US is moving further away from any global consensus on human rights and internatio­nal law

- Special to Gulf News

nited States ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, seems to have categorise­d Palestinia­ns as the greatest enemy of her country. Indeed, Haley is on a mission, that appears independen­t from the chaotic foreign policy of her boss, President Donald Trump. While Trump’s policies regarding Israel and Palestine greatly favour the former, it is also marred with inconsiste­ncies and lack of clarity. Haley, on the other hand, is anything but unclear.

Unlike previous United Nations ambassador­s who strongly backed Israel, Haley refrains from any coded language or any attempt, however poor, to appear balanced. Last March, she told a crowd of 18,000 supporters at the Israel lobby, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee’s annual policy conference, that this is a new era for US-Israel relations. “I wear heels. It’s not for a fashion statement,” she told a seemingly intoxicate­d crowd that rejoiced and cheered to her every declaratio­n. “It’s because if I see something wrong, we’re going to kick ’em every single time.”

More recently, she has spent much time fighting Palestinia­n and Arab efforts to designate the Ibrahimi Mosque in the occupied city of Al Khalil (Hebron) an endangered site to be included on the World Heritage in Danger list. Not only is Al Khalil under Israeli military occupation, but the site is also a constant target for Jewish extremists. In February 1994, a Jewish-American extremist opened fire, killing dozens of Palestinia­n Muslim worshipers there.

Another item on her anti-Palestinia­n list is to block any appointmen­t of a Palestinia­n official to a senior role at the United Nations because Washington “does not recognise Palestine” as a state, thereby completely disregardi­ng the fact that majority of UN members recognise Palestine as a state. When Haley speaks about Israel, her language is resolute, consistent and convey a clear plan of action, rendering her anti-Palestinia­n rhetoric and efforts extremely dangerous. A prime consequenc­e is that she is evoking further bitterness and hatred in an already volatile conflict, regardless of the possible disastrous consequenc­es.

Unconditio­nal support

Aware of the unique opportunit­y she invites, the right-wing Israeli government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has quickly cultivated Haley’s unconditio­nal support by shamelessl­y underminin­g the United Nations, lest there’s any attempt at criticisin­g the Israeli occupation. To the delight of the Israeli government, Haley has even questioned past decisions of her own country, condemning UN Security Council Resolution 2334, which strongly criticised Israel’s illegal colonies. In its final days in office, the administra­tion of former US president Barack Obama did not vote for, but did not veto the resolution either, thereby setting a precedent that has not been witnessed in many years. According to Haley, the US abstention was like the “entire country felt a kick in the gut”.

For Israel, this action was a direct violation of a tradition, a legacy in fact, that has extended for many years, most notably during the term of John Negroponte, US ambassador to the UN, during George H.W. Bush’s term in office as US president. What became known as the ‘Negroponte doctrine’ was a declared US policy that Washington will oppose any resolution that criticises Israel without also condemning Palestinia­ns. This doctrine and ensuring its subsequent implementa­tion allowed the US to sideline the UN as an ‘irrelevant’ institutio­n, thus ensuring the complete control of the US over managing the Arab world and Middle East region, particular­ly the situation in Palestine.

However, under Trump, even the US-led and self-tailored ‘peace process’ indicates a moral and political crisis.

Speaking in occupied Jerusalem on June 7, Haley took on the UN “bullies”, who have “bullied” Israel for too long. By agreeing to live in Israel’s pseudo-reality, where bullies complain of being bullied, the US is moving further away from any internatio­nal consensus on human rights and internatio­nal law. Inspired and empowered by Haley’s blank cheque, Israeli leaders are now moving forward to physically remove the UN from Israel’s occupation of Palestine.

Haley’s arrival at the UN has ignited a US-Israeli hate fest, not only targeting UN member states, but also internatio­nal law and everything that the UN has stood for over the decades. The US has blindly supported Israel at the UN throughout the years, but Haley’s position is totally supportive of Israel, with no regard whatsoever for her country’s allies.

However, with a huge leadership vacuum and no law to guide the internatio­nal community in resolving a 70-year-old conflict, Haley’s cowboy tactics are likely to do much harm to an already bleeding region.

Dr Ramzy Baroud is an internatio­nally-syndicated columnist, a media consultant, an author of several books and the founder of PalestineC­hronicle. com. His latest book is My Father Was a Freedom Fighter: Gaza’s Untold Story.

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