Gulf News




1 As it turned out, Stephen, at heart, was a wanderer (6) 7 Naturally, a heated outburst from down under (8) 8 Where mail is sorted in Peru (4) 10 To the West End, a fast model goes like a bullet! (6) 11 One bent on being a toxophilit­e (6) 14 Three ways to put a button on (3) 16 An honour, perhaps, worth fighting for? (5) 17 Points made by many a drunken sot (4) 19 Sarah, in present times, serves it cold (5) 21 Figures ways to stir things up (5) 22 Referred to a change of diet for Charlie (5) 23 To rush can make you hear amiss (4) 26 Art exhibition junior goes round for a pound (5) 28 A small point in revolution­ary mechanics (3) 29 A handier shutter? (6) 30 Name a garment right (6) 31 Sad to say, a girl gets mimicked (4) 32 Specially, but in only one way (8) 33 I stare, disconcert­ed, at such ridicule (6)


1 Sent a letter to eccentric poets (6) 2 Says there’s nothing in one’s bad habits (6) 3 It’s a lot of money, darling (4)


4 Ancient skill in bridge (7) 5 A sock on the side (5) 6 It’s heard that the Poles are going to central Korea (5) 8 Keep going to the back of the queue (4) 9 Less than somewhat pathetic, this cry? (3) 12 Numbers of plain clothes men (3) 13 He’s had more time to become a sort of statesman (5) 15 Rescued, but unhappy about the great day (5) 18 Products of an animal coming to a sticky end in Ireland (5) 19 Rest on the bottom (3) 20 Conducted out of the jungle depths (3) 21 Being edgy or touchy, it makes rugby players jump! (4-3) 22 Cut price lettuce? (3) 23 Where Aussies get angry outside a bar? (6) 24 Too long to wait for a half of sausages (4) 25 A French course (6) 26 He’ll be prepared to do a good deed (5) 27 The reasoning applied to certain puzzles (5) 28 A high pass (3) 30 A boy’s light (4) ACROSS: 1. Spray 6. Plebs 9. Le Hav-re 10. Dr.-ift 11. E-tude 12. C-lass 13. Some day 15. Pa-T 17. Enid 18. Volume 19. He-Len 20. Spider 22. Mist 24. Elm 25. M-orally 26. Groom 27. Par-is 28. Man-go 29. Fat-head 30. P-etty 31. Eying. DOWN: 2. P-arson 3. Al-Fred 4. Ye-t 5. W-ally 6. Presto-N 7. Lets 8. Bedlam 12. Caber 13. S-ense 14. Mini-M 15. Pupil 16. Testy 18. Venom 19. Hears-ay 21. Please 22. Ma-lady 23. S-l-ogan 25. Moths 26. GI-ft. 28. Ma-E.

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