Gulf News

Netanyahu is to be blamed for violence

Since coming to power, the Israeli PM has frustrated every attempt to secure a lasting and just peace deal


sraeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has spent the past several days on a road trip in Europe, first meeting leaders at a European Union regional summit, then meeting the newlyelect­ed President of France, Emmanuel Macron. The message brought by Netanyahu will be one of exasperati­on that the political echelon across Europe fails to understand Israel’s myopic vision that only it can provide the circumstan­ces for stability and security to create a lasting peace agreement with Palestinia­ns. It’s a message that is off key, off point and simply offensive to Palestinia­ns and to the right-minded political leadership across Europe who accurately see Israel’s position as frustratin­g and counterpro­ductive to a lasting and just peace agreement.

The reality is that ever since Netanyahu’s rise to power, he has circumvent­ed any and every attempt to formulate a peace agreement, scuttling initiative after initiative with policies and actions that have infuriated Palestinia­ns, antagonise­d the Arab nations and belittled the internatio­nal community. When former of US secretary of state John Kerry attempted a furious round of shuttle diplomacy, Netanyahu responded by ordering his troops into the Gaza Strip, unleashing their American-financed and furnished war power on a largely civilian population. When the French and Europeans tried to broker talks on peace, Netanyahu ordered land surveyors and property developers into the fields of occupied East Jerusalem, carving up the territory and marking it for new homesteads for colonists. And when the United Nations Security Council chided Israel for its policies of colonisati­on, Netanyahu responded in a fit of pique, lambasting the internatio­nal community for targeting Jews, leaving him to court then US president-elect Donald Trump who believed that the US embassy should be relocated from Tel Aviv to occupied Jerusalem.

And in seeking justice from the internatio­nal community, Palestinia­ns are slow to find allies. The Internatio­nal Criminal Court has yet to fully respond to the war crimes and atrocities committed by Israel during its last murderous invasion of the Gaza Strip. More than 1.8 million Palestinia­ns endured a full military assault with nowhere to go and few places to hide from laser-guided munitions, cluster bombs, phosphorou­s shells, artillery bombardmen­t, gunship attacks, jet planes, tanks and a military force on the ground.

Given these Israeli reactions and Netanyahu’s successful thwarting of every peace initiative, is it really any wonder that random and sporadic acts of violence continue across a land stolen and occupied for decades?

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