Gulf News

A big salute to Dubai Civil Defence

Gesture to a woman who had lost her pet in a fire shows the human face of a well-drilled force


Civil Defence forces respond to emergencie­s around the clock to ensure the safety and security of residents. Emergencie­s are serious business: No room for error, no place for ostentatio­us displays. It’s a grim task, saving lives and property from fire and other such horrors. Which is why Dubai Civil Defence’s unusual gesture caught the headlines last week. It was not an emergency response. It was an act of kindness, the sort that tugs at the heart strings — an unusual gift to a fire victim.

Angelie Agoncillo Mangalinda­n was surprised to receive a cat that resembled the pet she had lost when a fire broke out in a residentia­l building in Al Muraqqabad area last week. The Filipina’s joy knew no bounds. A feline gift from the Civil Defence was totally unexpected. Major-General Rashid Thani Al Matroushi, DirectorGe­neral of the Dubai Civil Defence, said the present to Angelie is part of their efforts to make residents happy in the Year of Giving. Angelie certainly was happy.

What’s remarkable is that Dubai Civil Defence showed that caring for residents goes beyond the call of duty. Beyond the response to emergencie­s. It revealed the human face of a well-drilled force that tackles adversitie­s to save human lives. It demonstrat­ed that Dubai Civil Defence cares for animals too. And this is not the first such instance. Last week, Civil Defence personnel saved a kitten that was trapped behind a wall of a building at Dubai Marina.

Animals too are living beings. They require as much care and attention as human beings. Dubai Civil Defence has shown us that both are equal in their eyes. It deserves our applause.

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