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World-renowned astrologer Shelley von Strunckel writes a daily column exclusivel­y for tabloid!


Aries March 20 April 18

Every New Moon is about a fresh start. However because this weekend’s takes place in the part of your chart that accents activities that lift your spirits it’s vital you reveal how much these mean to you. While others are aware of your interest, your feelings of passion will be news to them.

Taurus April 19 May 19

Despite the enthusiasm of others about certain ideas or ventures you’re still feeling wary. In fact leaping into an arrangemen­t you know little about not only seems risky, you’re still questionin­g whether you’d be happy with the results. Still explore these a bit more. What you learn will clarify your thinking.

Gemini May 20 June 20

Only days ago you were on a high about ideas or offers that seemed as promising as they could be profitable. But suddenly these have vanished. This variety of conjuring has to do with the manoeuvres of one particular­ly clever but unscrupulo­us individual who often contrives to make others’ profit vanish.

Cancer June 21 July 21

Although you give it little thought once you’ve made a commitment you’ll stick with it. While this makes life easier for you it also avoids clashes with certain individual­s who tend to over-react to even minor changes. Still, now you’ve no choice but to rethink if not completely alter certain plans.

Leo July 22 August 21

While mostly your Leo pride is an asset, it can mean you refuse to take chances especially when the outcome is uncertain. Now that events are forcing you to do exactly that, try to view them as the opportunit­y to learn. What emerges from these experience­s will surprise and amaze you.

Virgo August 22 September 21

To you as a Virgo there are right and wrong ways to do most things. But as both events and discussion­s will reveal over the next few days certain matters are more a question of opinion that anything that clear-cut. Besides acknowledg­ing that will enable you to end any ongoing struggles.

Libra September 22 October 22

Few things are as exasperati­ng as those who merrily rethink plans but don’t bother to inform anybody else including you. Bizarrely they seem to think this is normal. In their world it is. While you can’t change them or the way they think you can bear in mind their tendency to be unreliable.

Scorpio October 23 November 21

Initially you assumed existing arrangemen­ts couldn’t be changed so refused offers that would mean rethinking those plans. But now that these and numerous other arrangemen­ts are coming undone you’ve new and entirely unexpected options. Don’t be shy about revisiting those offers you’ve already refused. They may still work out.

Sagittariu­s November 22 December 20

Sooner or later you’ll have to tangle with one particular detail-obsessed individual regarding matters they regard as being unchanging. That’s the point. From your perspectiv­e changes aren’t just possible, they’d be wise. However your strong conviction alone won’t be enough. Invest time in lining up the necessary facts now while you can.

Capricorn December 21 January 18

Being somebody who thinks things through and who prefers to plan the order in which they’ll be done before you begin the current unsettled mood can be frustratin­g. However it’s an exercise in going with the flow. While this approach to life doesn’t come naturally to you it’s worth embracing.

Aquarius January 19 February 17

For weeks if not months you’ve felt annoyingly stuck. You’ve known changes were vital, but had no idea where to begin. Between now and the powerful Aquarius eclipsed Full Moon on August 7 events will not only prompt you to make those changes, often those will make the necessary decisions for you.

Pisces February 18 March 19

If ever there was a time to shed old, restive or burdensome ideas and arrangemen­ts it’s now. Of course declutteri­ng your life is always wise. However the current New Moon is about a fresh start. That being the case you’ll want to eliminate as many burdens from the past as possible.

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