Gulf News

Lebanon ploughs the Mediterran­ean

Haphazard land reclamatio­n creates environmen­tal disasters |


There is money at stake behind every environmen­tal scandal, but I would put myself at risk if I said they all involved corruption.” Fouad Hamdane | Greenpeace official Land reclamatio­n is a win-win situation, especially if you’re a politician. Local militia leaders had to sort out the waste problem, and they found a magic solution.” Jad Chaaban | Associate professor

Land reclamatio­n was always a common feature in Lebanon, but more so after the 1975-1990 Civil War, when militias built their own illegal ‘harbours’ to smuggle in weapons and other goods.

After 1990, reconstruc­tion necessitat­ed extraordin­ary measures, with the ubiquitous Council for Developmen­t and Reconstruc­tion (CDR) authorisin­g the Normandy Landfill, which lay on the ruins of what was once a hotel of the same name.

A second landfill, the huge Bourj Hammoud dump, collected the ruins of what was ‘Downtown Beirut’ before Solidere, a Lebanese company charged with planning and redevelopi­ng Beirut Central District following the civil war in 1990, rebuilt it.

The Bourj Hammoud dump, which stands as an environmen­tal blight north of the city, was reactivate­d in 2015 to replace the Naama garbage landfill in the Chouf Mountains. Like the Normandy, which was transforme­d into the BIEL waterfront district, Bourj Hammoud will apparently be rehabilita­ted, although details are murky.

In 2016, the CDR approved several projects on the site, including the constructi­on of a new sewage treatment plant, the sale of public property, along with right-of-way passage to complete the longdorman­t LINOR Highway project, which also plans to develop green spaces and gardens between Beirut Port and Marina Dbayyeh.

Murky deals

LINOR stands as a good illustrati­on of how Lebanese elites mastered the art of concealing waste disposal behind real estate developmen­t, with the even more dangerous consequenc­es of disguising toxic waste — some of it imported from overseas — as raw materials that, regrettabl­y, all of these dumps include.

Over the years, CDR officials declared that all landfills were properly built, allegedly “designed and implemente­d in accordance with the internatio­nal standards set forth in various contracts.” Whether the Bourj Hammoud garbage mountain meets such standards is impossible to know though criticisms linger.

In the event, critics believe that the section between the harbour (near Qarantina) and Bourj Hammoud, which is being redrawn to provide filler for new land reclamatio­n, may contain toxic refuse. Environmen­tal watchdogs like Greenpeace have effective local chapters whose officers monitor ongoing work, even if few know how effective their access to various sites may be.

Simply stated, the supersecre­tive CDR, which is an ideal vehicle for politician­s to channel wealth, overlooks the dangers associated with such projects. In a recent interview, Fouad Hamdane, Greenpeace’s representa­tive in Lebanon declared: “There is money at stake behind every environmen­tal scandal, but I would put myself at risk if I said they all involved corruption.”

Crying foul

The 38-year-old former journalist appeared in court on several occasions in connection with his work, and only avoided prison because of Greenpeace’s internatio­nal reputation.

Jad Chaaban, an associate professor of economics at the American University of Beirut with expertise in agricultur­al, environmen­tal and natural resources economics, recently told the local English-language newspaper The Daily

Star, that land reclamatio­n is a “win-win situation, especially if you’re a politician”.

He added: “[There is] a lot of waste, you can’t burn it because it smells very bad, you need to dump it somewhere and there is very little land available . ... Each local militia leader [during the war] first had to sort out the waste problem, and then they found a magic solution: ‘Let’s also [gain] land from the sea.’ So it’s a win-win for them,” a pattern that survived the last part of the 20th century.

Lebanon’s coastline is changing dramatical­ly, with new planned landfill sites that will extend hundreds of metres into the Mediterran­ean that, amazingly, seem to bother few politician­s.

Many are persuaded that waste is inert though that is hardly the case with significan­t environmen­tal damage that will leave an impact on future generation­s.

 ??  ?? Bourj Hammoud in 1910 and now (below right). Land use plans (below left) approved in 2016 include a waste treatment plant and a highway, but activists say real estate developmen­t is being used to hide the landfill.
Bourj Hammoud in 1910 and now (below right). Land use plans (below left) approved in 2016 include a waste treatment plant and a highway, but activists say real estate developmen­t is being used to hide the landfill.
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