Gulf News

No decision on US troop surge in Afghanista­n



The Pentagon has yet to decide how many more US troops to send to Afghanista­n as it is still drawing up a plan, Defence Secretary James Mattis said yesterday, after President Donald Trump committed the United States to an open-ended war there.

Trump offered few specifics in a televised address about Afghanista­n on Monday, but promised a steppedup military campaign against Taliban insurgents who have gained ground against US-backed Afghan government forces.

He also singled out neighbouri­ng Pakistan for harbouring militants, an accusation denied by Islamabad.

The Afghan government welcomed Trump’s speech but the Taliban said it would make the country a “graveyard for the American empire”. Mattis said he was waiting for a plan from the US military’s chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Joseph Dunford, before deciding how many more troops to send to Afghanista­n, where the US is fighting its longest war.

“When he brings that to me, I will determine how many more we need to send in,” Mattis told reporters during a visit to Baghdad. “It may or may not be the number that is bandied about.”

P resident Donald Trump committed US troops to an open-ended war in Afghanista­n, a decision the Afghan government welcomed yesterday, but which Taliban insurgents warned would make the country a “graveyard for the American empire”.

Trump offered few specifics in a speech on Monday but promised a stepped-up military campaign against the Taliban who have gained ground against US-backed Afghan government forces.

While Trump said he would not discuss troop levels or details of the new strategy, US officials said on Monday he had signed off on Defence Secretary James Mattis’ plans to send about 4,000 more troops to Afghanista­n.

Trump said “my original instinct was to pull out” all American troops, but he was convinced by his military advisers after a lengthy review of the United States’ longest war.

“The consequenc­es of a rapid exit are both predictabl­e and unacceptab­le,” he said. “A hasty withdrawal would create a vacuum that terrorists, including ISIS [Daesh] and Al Qaida, would instantly fill.” While Trump said “our troops will fight to win”, he also stressed that ultimately Afghanista­n’s police and army must do most of the fighting to defeat the Taliban and allied Islamist militants.

Changing stance

“The stronger the Afghan security forces become, the less we will have to do . ... We want them to succeed.”

Most of the approximat­ely 8,400 US troops in Afghanista­n work with a Nato-led training and advising mission, with the rest part of a counter-terrorism force that mostly targets pockets of Al Qaida and Daesh terrorists.

Afghan President Ashraf Ghani welcomed the strategy saying it would expand the training mission for Afghan forces, which includes building its fledgling air force and doubling the size of the Afghan special forces.

“I am grateful to President Trump and the American people for this affirmatio­n of support ... for our joint struggle to rid the region from the threat of terrorism,” Ghani said in a statement.

The Taliban swiftly condemned Trump’s decision. “If the US does not pull all its forces out of Afghanista­n, we will make this country the 21st century graveyard for the American empire,” Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid said in a statement.

US-backed Afghan forces overthrew the Taliban’s hardline Islamist government in late 2001 over its sheltering of Al Qaida chief Osama Bin Laden, architect of the September 11, 2001, attacks in US cities that killed nearly 2,000 people. But US forces have been bogged down ever since in a war that has vexed three presidents. About 2,400 US troops have died in Afghanista­n.

Trump, who had criticised his predecesso­r for setting deadlines for drawing down troops in Iraq and Afghanista­n, declined to put a timeline on expanded US operations in Afghanista­n.

Former President Barack Obama’s deadlines for troop decreases brought the US military footprint from about 100,000 in 2011 to 8,400.

The stronger the Afghan security forces become, the less we will have to do ... We want them to succeed.” Donald Trump | US President

 ?? AFP ?? President Trump greets military leaders before his speech on Afghanista­n at the Fort Myer military base on Monday in Virginia.
AFP President Trump greets military leaders before his speech on Afghanista­n at the Fort Myer military base on Monday in Virginia.

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