Gulf News

Too much static in UAE’s radio station space


Radio is the first thing the wife switches on the moment she steps into the kitchen on any given morning. And going by her pronouncem­ents, the Big Breakfast Club on Hit FM puts her in the right frame of mind to meet any sort of challenge the day has in store.

As for one of my colleagues, the updates she catches on the radio during her daily commute on the metro keeps her clued in to what is happening in and around the city. And, that, is as good as it gets for her.

There is always a tussle between me and my daughter which station to listen while off on the school drop ride.

While I prefer to listen to a station in my native language, she is hooked to Virgin FM, which dishes out the songs she loves. I know scores of people who listen to the radio on their mobiles while walking... or even while at work.

Many of the local stations have come out with their app which has helped them to reach out to listeners in an even more intimate manner. No wonder for many advertiser­s radio has emerged as the preferred media vehicle to reach out to their target audiences.

The UAE is witnessing a surge in radio stations. Listeners as well as advertiser­s are spoilt for choice. But then radio is facing the heat of competitio­n, primarily from the digital medium.

No wonder many of the radio stations can now be accessed online as well as through apps.

Unenviable task

Reach out to the listener, whenever and wherever they want is the mantra. This is primarily because in the changing situation, marketers and advertiser­s have the unenviable task of spreading the advertisin­g dirham thinner.

The channels of communicat­ion are increasing and many new vehicles are getting added into the media mix. The efficacy of each vehicle is getting scrutinise­d and at times the lack of clear measuremen­t tools as well as a lack of understand­ing of the medium makes planning much difficult. Though radio has reinforced its role as a powerful medium, there is also an urgent need for it to evolve with the times.

Having stated that, a quick look at the diverse activities many of the radio stations undertake to keep listeners hooked drive home the point that it can still be considered a powerful media vehicle.

The numerous game shows with attractive giveaways, the chat shows covering diverse fields of interest, updates on various events that take place in and around the town keep listeners hooked.

In keeping with the trend, the RJs are taking the viral route to spread their reach among listeners.

We have reached a stage that unless a content becomes viral, its efficacy is getting questioned.

This in turn has led to a convenient integratio­n of radio content with social media. This synergy will go a long way in ensuring that listener experience is taken to a different level.

As the lines blur between media vehicles, it is time that radio programmer­s take a serious look on the content that they provide and tune it to meet the requiremen­ts of the times.

Any delay in doing that might result in a situation where the advantage that radio has might get eclipsed.

The writer is account director for Publilink Advertisin­g.

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