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Booing ‘hurt’ me, champion Gatlin reveals

American says sorry again for doping indiscreti­on in the past


The booing that resounded around the London Stadium when Justin Gatlin mounted the podium to receive his gold medal as 100 metres world champion hurt the American, he admitted on Monday.

The 35-year-old — whose victory denied Jamaican superstar Usain Bolt a farewell gold in the individual event — also told ITV News, contrary to popular perception, he had apologised for his second positive doping test.

The medal ceremony produced astonishin­g scenes with Gatlin being booed and Bolt’s name being chanted despite taking only bronze.

Gatlin, who before his second ban from 2006-10 won Olympic 100-metre gold in 2004 and double individual sprint world gold in 2005, had shown great character to triumph in London earlier this month after he was booed intensivel­y throughout the 100-metre heats and final when his name was announced.

Athletics chief Sebastian Coe had admitted his victory was not the ‘perfect script’, a remark that led to Gatlin’s agent Renaldo Nehemiah labelling his star’s treatment as ‘inhumane’.

“It did hurt because I’m not there for myself,” said Gatlin.

“I’m up there for my country. I’m up there for my supporters. I didn’t do it for myself.

Gatlin, who also won silver in the 4x100-metre relay as the United States got edged out by the British quartet, said perhaps the people who booed him weren’t aware of what he had gone through.

“I looked in the crowd who were barely half my age and definitely weren’t around in 2006, 2004 when everything happened to me,” said Gatlin, who was coached at the time of his second positive test by the now disgraced Trevor Graham.

“They couldn’t understand what I went through.”

Gatlin, whose first ban was a contentiou­s one and was reduced on appeal as it stemmed from medication he was taking for Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) when he was a student, had a message for those who booed him.

“Go further than being a fan,” he said. “Get to know an athlete... They all have storiestak­e the time to read the fine details rather than the headlines.

 ?? AFP ?? Justin Gatlin with the gold medal after winning the men’s 100-metre sprint at the IAAF World Championsh­ips in London.
AFP Justin Gatlin with the gold medal after winning the men’s 100-metre sprint at the IAAF World Championsh­ips in London.

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