Gulf News

Benefit when a bid places their cards


Dr James Rippe, a cardiologi­st, said, “Exercise alone provides psychologi­cal and physical benefits. However, if you also adopt a strategy that engages your mind while you exercise, you can get a whole host of psychologi­cal benefits fairly quickly.” How do you get exercise while playing bridge? Sit East-West! You should also try to benefit when an opponent interferes in your auction. Discuss the North-South bidding from this deal with your partner. South opened one no-trump, and West overcalled two diamonds, which showed at least 5-4 in the majors. North’s double said that he was trying to get a penalty. However, when East advanced with two spades, and South could not double (promising four trumps), North was in a quandary. Double would have been for penalty (and probably gained 300 points). Instead, he cue-bid three spades, asking partner to bid three no-trump with spade values. South saw eight winners: two spades (given the lead), two hearts( surely the fines se was winning ), two diamonds and two clubs. An extra club trick was available, given declare r’ s great spots. Also, the heart suit looked promising—and since this was a duplicate, over tricks were valuable. Declarer took the first trick and led a low heart. When West played the six, South carefully covered with dummy’ s seven. If that had lost to a single ton 10 or jack, running the nine next would havegenera­ted four heart tricks. Here, the seven won. Declarer continued with a low heart to his nine, and eventually took 11 tricks (two spa des, four hearts, two diamonds and three clubs) for a tied top. — Phillip Alder

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