Gulf News

This mad, mad world


he miserable journey of our mad, mad world has gone from bad to worse. Our great heads of state have been engaged in a horrendous war of words for some time now. This has increased tensions and the world is at the moment balancing itself on the sharp edge of a sword. The precarious situation has aggravated the political atmosphere and the entire world scenario to a considerab­le extent.

The sword of Damocles might fall to any side at a critical moment which would easily end up in the great modern world we have created for ourselves. The whole civilisati­on will be destroyed in one big blow. The serious tiff existing between the US and North Korea has been affecting world peace for some time now. President Donald Trump boasts that the blowing up and total destructio­n of North Korea is very near. And the dictator of North Korea calls Trump a mad old man who is devoid of a functionin­g cortex.

Likewise, the war of words at the UN between India and Pakistan is reaching a ridiculous extent. One hopes both India and Pakistan would understand the gravity of the situation and try to make their relations normal.

Big trouble is brewing in Afghanista­n, too, and the world powers are trying to make political capital out of the troubled situation. I seriously think that time has come for the UN to act and warn the concerned nations with more sense. Nobody ever wins a war. It’s a question of peaceful co-existence or no existence at all as Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of India had warned us.

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