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- World-renowned astrologer Shelley von Strunckel writes a daily column exclusivel­y for tabloid!

Aries March 20 April 18

There are many ways to say ‘no’, and however strongly you feel about avoiding certain offers, you’re urged to refuse gently. Strange as this seems now, within days events will change everything, and you’ll be able to join together after all. Until then, remain strictly noncommitt­al.

Taurus April 19 May 19

Every once in a while there’s a magical moment when things seem to fall into place. That’s the case now, especially in certain tricky issues, that those you’re close to are struggling with. Don’t be shy about raising these or making suggestion­s. Your words will be welcomed, and enthusiast­ically.

Gemini May 20 June 20

It’s time to pause and give serious thought to who and what you value most. While you’d think that would be clear, once you begin, you’ll realise that while you very much appreciate certain elements of your life, you neither notice nor appreciate others, some that are dear to you.

Cancer June 21 July 21

Although the Full Moon isn’t until Thursday, you could already be feeling somewhat anxious. This isn’t because you’ve anything to worry about but rather because of the changes it’s ushering in. It accents elements of your work or lifestyle, and what’s coming your way, will be as welcome as it is unexpected.

Leo July 22 August 21

Now that the ideas planet, Mercury, has joined your ruler, the Sun, in the diplomatic sign Libra, you’ll find you’re able to tackle even very tricky issues, and without drama. Once you’ve discussed and dealt with some, you’ll feel confident enough to tackle other issues that are more complex — and more important.

Virgo August 22 September 21

Don’t be surprised if last-minute discussion­s or even completely unexpected revelation­s force you, and everybody else, to rethink what seemed straightfo­rward plans. As unsettling as these changes will be, once the facts are clear, everybody will agree that they’re not just an improvemen­t, they’ve added an unexpected excitement.

Libra September 22 October 22

Judging by the powerful links between both Mars and your ruler, Venus, to Pluto, the planet of truth and transforma­tion through truth, over the coming days, certain matters must be discussed frankly. That means being open, if not forthright, about provocativ­e issues or controvers­ial facts that you’ve been keeping to yourself.

Scorpio October 23 November 21

There’s a difference between talking about potential changes, which you’re doing a lot of, and actually making them. Worrying as what you’re facing seems, these constitute badly needed breakthrou­ghs. You’ve battled similar changes in the past, then once you got more involved, realised how worthwhile they were. It’s the same now.

Sagittariu­s November 22 December 20

It’s time to return to certain issues from the past you’d hoped would vanish. While nobody has mentioned them, judging by the coming weeks’ exciting but unsettling events, these are likely to surface. Raise and discuss them now, while the mood’s calm, and you’ll put them to rest easily.

Capricorn December 21 January 18

Your interest in the activities of those closest to you is directly linked to the pressure you’re under to get things done. And because you’re currently under a lot of that pressure, you’re neglecting others, and hoping they’ll understand. Instead, tell them you care and will make it up to them. That will achieve wonders.

Aquarius January 19 February 17

While, you’re in the middle of a period of rapid and exciting growth you’re also finding you must be careful to maintain certain familiar elements of your life. Although this is demanding, if not a real juggling act, for now it’s wise. In time you’ll decide what must go. But not yet.

Pisces February 18 March 19

After days, if not weeks, of having sidesteppe­d tedious discussion­s about practical matters, the time has come to talk these over. But now, not only are you in the mood to tackle these but also you’re in possession of certain facts that weren’t easy to get. The next step is to clarify your objectives.

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