Gulf News

New speed limits on key Dubai roads take effect from tomorrow

Decision part of efforts to curb traffic accidents on busy highways

- Gulf News Report

The reduction of the speed limits on Shaikh Mohammad Bin Zayed Road and the Emirates Road from 120km/h to 110km/h will come into force tomorrow, the Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) and Dubai Police have announced.

The decision has been taken as part of both the RTA and Dubai Police’s efforts to curb traffic accidents on the busy highways and enhance the safety of road users.

Motorists will now have to keep in mind that as a result of the drop in speed limit, the cameras on both highways will catch the speeding vehicles at 131km/h instead of the current speed of 141km/h.

Figures from Dubai Police showed that during the first half of this year, Shaikh Mohammad Bin Zayed Road was the scene of 99 accidents resulting in six fatalities and 78 injuries. In 2016, the highway saw 196 accidents resulting in 33 deaths and 249 injuries. Similarly, the Emirates Road witnessed 40 accidents during the first half of this year resulting in 10 fatalities and 75 injuries. Last year, the highway saw 86 accidents involving 29 deaths and 147 injuries.

“The objective of reducing the speed limits on Shaikh Mohammad Bin Zayed Road and Emirates Road is to curb traffic accidents, especially fatal ones...,” said Major General Mohammad Saif Al Zaffein, Assistant Commander-in-Chief of Dubai Police, in an earlier interview.

 ?? Virendra Saklani/Gulf News ?? Both Dubai highways have seen 39 traffic fatalities each from the beginning of last year. At least 60 per cent of the accidents are associated with speeding, police said.
Virendra Saklani/Gulf News Both Dubai highways have seen 39 traffic fatalities each from the beginning of last year. At least 60 per cent of the accidents are associated with speeding, police said.

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