Gulf News

Police force caught in crosshairs of separatist push

Officers must decide with whom their loyalties lie, Spanish or local leaders


Catalonia’s home-grown police force faces a dilemma — obey caretaker bosses imposed by Madrid or stay loyal to the now-deposed regional government?

As Spain imposes direct rule on the semi-autonomous region after an independen­ce declaratio­n by Catalan lawmakers, with its interior ministry taking control of the Mossos d’Esquadra, the force’s roughly 16,000 members are in turmoil.

“There’s a lot of tension. There is a lot of fear and anxiety in the entire force, regardless of whether people back independen­ce or oppose it — as in my case,” Vicente, a Mossos officer who declined to give his real name, said.

Split down the middle

“The force is split pretty much down the middle,” added Manel, a colleague with over a decade of experience who would also not be fully identified.

“Some are delighted that Madrid takes control, but others are worried.”

“The atmosphere is difficult, there are arguments, shouting, very tense situations between colleagues,” said Vicente.

Besides the Mossos, the only armed force that fell directly under the region’s control before it was taken over, some 6,000 members of the national police are based permanentl­y in Catalonia.

Since the beginning of the standoff between Madrid and Catalonia over an unauthoris­ed independen­ce referendum on October 1, that number has been boosted by about 10,000 — also including members of the Guardia Civil police force.

In his attempt to quash the breakaway bid, Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy on Saturday fired Mossos chief Josep Lluis Trapero.

Trapero, who became chief in April, is seen as an ally of Catalonia’s separatist leaders.

Spain’s National Court is investigat­ing him for sedition after unrest in Barcelona in September, sparked by national security forces raiding regional government offices.

That action was met with furious public protests in which the Catalan police was accused by Madrid of failing to intervene.

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