Gulf News

Tension as PNG camp closure looms

The Manus Island detention centre is set to close tomorrow, but refugees are fighting eviction


Tensions were high on a Papua New Guinea (PNG) island yesterday as authoritie­s prepared to close an Australian refugee camp, with local police calling for calm as some detainees refused to move.

The Manus Island detention centre, to close tomorrow, is one of two Pacific camps where asylum seekers who try to enter Australia by boat are sent for processing under Canberra’s harsh immigratio­n policy.

Refugees had been given the option of moving to the other centre on the island of Nauru but most detainees have shunned the offer, expressing fears that relocation could prolong their agony.

Some have also refused to relocate on Manus, citing safety fears amid reports they would not be welcomed in local neighbourh­oods.

“The guys [refugees] have said they will stay, they don’t intend to move,” Refugee Action Coalition spokesman Ian Rintoul said yesterday.

“As of today, the mess is closed so food will no longer be available inside the detention centre and they [centre’s management] are going to be issuing food packs ... for two days.”

The plan to close the Manus centre came after a ruling by PNG’s Supreme Court last year that holding people there was unconstitu­tional.

Australia’s Immigratio­n Minister, Peter Dutton, said previously the Manus facility would close by the end of October.

Conditions in both camps have been widely criticised by refugee advocates and medical profession­als amid reports of widespread abuse, self-harm and mental health problems.

A third place

Detainees are barred from being transferre­d to Australia and Canberra has tried to resettle them in third countries.

It struck a deal with former US President Barack Obama for America to resettle an unspecifie­d number of the detainees, but so far just 54 people have been notified of their acceptance and a group of only 24 have flown out.

PNG police said they would help move the detainees to temporary locations but warned that the safety of refugees and government workers was “not to be taken for granted”.

 ?? AFP ?? Protesters march in Sydney against moving asylum seekers in Papua New Guinea, on October 15. Holding people at the centre was deemed unconstitu­tional by PNG’s apex court.
AFP Protesters march in Sydney against moving asylum seekers in Papua New Guinea, on October 15. Holding people at the centre was deemed unconstitu­tional by PNG’s apex court.

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