Gulf News

List of provocatio­ns

- — Gulf News Report

1Jewish raids on Al Haram Al Sharif have stepped up. Under a status quo agreement Jews can visit the holy site but not perform religious rituals there.

2The Israeli regime has also banned Palestinia­ns from burying their dead in specific parts of Bab Al Rahma cemetery, a resting place for many of the city’s historic figures.

3Israel has removed Arabic signage from many streets in Occupied Jerusalem, replacing them instead with Hebrew signs in an attempt to Judaise the city and erase any Palestinia­n or Muslim identity.

4More recently, the Israeli regime approved a cable car project that would connect West Jerusalem with Israeli-occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City.

5Israel engages in arbitrary demolition of Palestinia­n homes and new building permits are almost never approved making life difficult for expanding Palestinia­n families.

6Israel has plans to designate Palestinia­n-majority areas to be classified as falling outside the Jerusalem boundaries, in order to ensure Jewish majority in the city.

7Israel collective­ly punishes Palestinia­ns in 1948 areas by imposing arbitrary entry bans to the holy city.

8Israel punishes Palestinia­n schools in occupied Jerusalem which do not conform to Israeli-imposed curriculum by withholdin­g funds.

9Israel threatens to revoke Israeli identity cards of Palestinia­ns in Occupied Jerusalem who defend Al Haram Al Sharif from Jewish raids and also threatens to suspend their health benefits, despite the fact that Palestinia­ns pay taxes to the Israeli regime.

10Israel delays or outright refuses to return the bodies of Palestinia­ns killed in clashes with Israeli occupation soldiers in order to collective­ly punish families.

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