Gulf News

Shortfall in climate action is catastroph­ic, UN says

Even if fulfilled, these Paris pledges with the 2C target, would see the world heat up 3C


There is a “catastroph­ic” gap between national pledges to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and the actions needed to cap global warming below two degrees Celsius, the United Nations’ (UN) environmen­t chief warned yesterday, days ahead of global climate talks in Bonn.

Even if fulfilled, these pledges — inscribed along with the 2C target in the 2015 Paris climate pact — would see the world heat up 3C, unleashing deadly heatwaves, superstorm­s and rising seas, UN Environmen­t said in its annual Emissions Gap report, the bleakest ever. Record-setting extreme weather in 2017 including monsoon flooding, raging fires and deadly hurricanes likely bears the fingerprin­t of global warming, it noted.

“One year after the Paris Agreement entered into force, we still find ourselves in a situation where we are not doing nearly enough to save hundreds of millions of people from a miserable future,” said Eric Solheim, head of the UN agency. “Government­s, the private sector and civil society must bridge this catastroph­ic climate gap.”

Compiled by more than 200 climate scientists and experts, the annual 100-page analysis tracks progress toward the Paris goal of checking the rise in global temperatur­es at “well below” 2C.

With many poor nations already feeling the sting of a planet out of kilter with only one degree of warming, the treaty also vowed to explore the feasibilit­y of holding the line at 1.5C.

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