Gulf News

Key events

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2006: Paul Manafort and Rick Gates begin work as consultant­s for the Party of Regions, a pro-Russian political party in Ukraine led by Victor Yanukovych, the country’s former prime minister. February 2010: Yanukovych is elected president of Ukraine. February 2014: Yanukovych flees Ukraine and enters exile in Russia. The US government later opens investigat­ion into Manafort’s foreign lobbying and political work. September 2015: The FBI contacts the Democratic National Committee’s IT help desk, cautioning that at least one of its computers has been compromise­d by Russian hackers. March 2016: Manafort joins Trump campaign as a volunteer consultant. George Papadopoul­os is named one of five foreign policy advisers to the Trump campaign.

April 2016: Papadopoul­os meets with Russian national who he says offered “dirt” on Democratic presidenti­al candidate Hillary Clinton, including thousands of emails. Democratic National Committee becomes aware of the scope of the months-long intrusion into its email systems by hackers US intelligen­ce agencies later linked to the Russian government.

May 2016: Manafort promoted to campaign chairman and chief strategist, taking command of the Trump campaign.

June 2016: Manafort attends meeting at Trump Tower in New York with Russian lawyer named Natalia Veselnitsk­aya, who promised to provide the Trump campaign damaging informatio­n about Clinton.

July 2016: Trump becomes the Republican nominee for president at the party’s convention in Cleveland, Ohio. In speech the following week, Trump encourages Russians to release hacked Clinton emails. FBI opens investigat­ion into Russian government’s attempt to influence the election, including whether members of Trump’s campaign are involved.

August 2016: Manafort resigns from Trump campaign the day after The Associated Press reports he failed to register as a foreign agent after arranging a covert lobbying campaign in the United States on behalf of the Ukrainian Party of Regions.

November 2016: Trump wins presidenti­al election.

January 2017: FBI Director James Comey briefs Trump on contents of unverified dossier that contains salacious allegation­s about him and his campaign. Trump inaugurate­d as 45th President of the United States. Papadopoul­os interviewe­d by the FBI about his contacts with Russians.

May 2017: Trump fires Comey. Former FBI Director Robert Mueller is appointed as special counsel to take over the probe.

July 2017: FBI agents conducted a raid at Manafort’s home. Papadopoul­os arrested by FBI.

August 2017: Mueller impanels criminal grand jury in Washington, D.C.

October 2017: Papadopoul­os pleads guilty to making false statements to the FBI, as part of apparent agreement to cooperate with Mueller’s investigat­ion. Mueller files 12 count criminal indictment­s against Manafort and Gates.

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