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Top EU human rights job deserves better

As the Greek migration minister backed a deal that left thousands of refugees trapped, his candidatur­e for a key European Council role raises uneasy questions


he Greek government’s decision to put forward its current minister of migration as a candidate for Europe’s top human rights job must seem reasonable to many people outside Greece. The country was forced to deal with record arrivals of refugees at a time when it was already struggling to emerge from a serious financial crisis. The humanity displayed by many Greeks in responding to these twin crises has earned the country the moral right to be heard.

But the nomination of Ioannis Mouzalas for Human Rights Commission­er at the Council of Europe has caused serious concern in Greece itself. His term as migration minister is not one that has promoted respect for human rights.

The choice of this commission­er is of particular importance because the role oversees human rights conditions and detects problems in law and administra­tive practice. It also proposes recommenda­tions and follows up on their implementa­tion. The commission­er must act according to the basic principles of the Council of Europe, an institutio­nal pillar for the protection of human rights.

The incumbent, Nils Muiznieks, has expressed serious concern about the deal struck between the European Union and Turkey in March 2016 to stem the flow of Syrian refugees into Greece, in which aid and political concession­s were offered to Ankara.

The Greek minister, on the contrary, has been one of the most ardent protectors of this controvers­ial agreement. He has insisted on implementa­tion of the deal and refused any input from national and internatio­nal stakeholde­rs regarding its impact on human rights. In cases where the EU-Turkey deal has not been implemente­d fully, and no Syrian refugee has been forcibly returned to Turkey, this is because of the determined resistance of civil society organisati­ons as well as public servants.

When the independen­t committees that decide asylum appeals claim in Greece ruled in favour of claimants who were resisting being sent back to Turkey, Mouzalas was accused of intervenin­g to influence their decisions. When this did not work, he amended the law to change the compositio­n of the committees and speed up the return of Syrians to Turkey.

Serious reservatio­ns

This interferen­ce directly contradict­ed the principles of the Council of Europe — the very body in which he is now a candidate for a senior role.

The minister’s support for the EU-Turkey deal should at least have triggered unease about nominating him for a top institutio­nal position. Especially one that implies an unwavering stance in support of human rights in general, and respect for the rights of refugees in particular. We presume that consistenc­y with the principles of the Council of Europe will be taken into account when the nominees are considered.

Far from there being positive work leading to his nomination, there is, unfortunat­ely, plenty of evidence of the opposite. Multiple reports from Greek and internatio­nal organisati­ons, including an investigat­ion in the Guardian, have raised very serious reservatio­ns about the management of the refugee issue.

The EU policy, backed by the Greek government, has led to thousands of refugees and migrants being trapped in unacceptab­le conditions on the Greek islands. Last winter, this confinemen­t to the islands and mismanagem­ent led to the loss of life. There has been no meaningful investigat­ion to establish responsibi­lity for these deaths. The failure to provide adequate camp facilities or the structures and rules needed to properly administer the refugee population belongs in part to Mouzalas. The United Nations High Commission­er for Refugees, among others, has already warned about the danger of a repeat of similar failings this winter.

The policy supported by Mouzalas has also placed an unreasonab­le burden on local communitie­s on the islands where new arrivals are confined. This was done without any planning or attempts to gain local support and has resulted in a serious risk of social and political unrest.

This agreement is becoming a paradigm on how to undermine the post-Second World War refugee protection apparatus. Its strict implementa­tion has badly damaged the rule of law. Even if Greece had no choice but to accept the EU-Turkey deal, what we have managed is the worst possible version: Entrapping and dehumanisi­ng asylum-seekers in a punitive way beyond what the deal formally envisioned. We often criticise the negative political stance of central European countries that target refugees and do not take their share of responsibi­lity as EU members. But for this criticism to be essential, Greece ought to contrast it with its own politics.

It is clear that the Greek government should think again on its decision to propose Mouzalas as a candidate for human rights commission­er at the Council of Europe.

Kostis Papaioanno­u is the former secretary general for human rights in the Greek government. Vassilis Papadopoul­os is a former secretary general for migration policy.

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