Gulf News

Oman ratchets up its spending plans


Oman’s expansiona­ry 2018 budget underlines the government’s determinat­ion to address outstandin­g economic challenges, including generating optimum growth and creating jobs. The authoritie­s are aiming for GDP growth of more than 3 per cent on the back of stronger spending and higher oil prices. And stronger growth levels are essential to enhancing job opportunit­ies.

The unemployme­nt rate stands in single digits by official accounts, but in double digits according to internatio­nal sources. Demographi­cs add to the challenge, as many young Omanis are expected to enter the job market seeking positions matching their expectatio­ns.

The 2018 budget assumes a rise in expenditur­es and revenues while keeping the deficit size intact. Expenditur­es are set at $32.5 billion, up by 6.8 per cent. The move reverses the trend of trimming public spending following the oil price decline in 2014.

The budget assumes an average oil price of $50 per barrel compared to $45 for fiscal 2017. Oil prices are projected to remain above $50, thanks in part to efforts by Opec members to limit output.

Oman is not a member of Opec by choice, as the country likes to maintain its own independen­t policies. However, the sultanate has a tendency to follow Opec’s guidelines with regard to production levels to lift prices.

Revenues are projected at $24.7 billion, showing a rise of 9.1 per cent. The revenue gains will allow for higher spending and will come about through firmer oil prices plus efforts to generate fresh non-oil revenues. Consequent­ly, the budgetary shortage stands at $7.8 billion, and would be primarily financed via borrowing from local and internatio­nal sources and partially through withdrawal­s from reserves.

The deficit is thus about 10 per cent of GDP, something not popular with credit rating agencies. In late 2017, Standard & Poor’s cut Oman’s credit rating from BB+ to BB, the second such downgrade in a six-month period. Moody’s downgraded the sultanate’s long-term bond from Baa 1 to Baa2 and changed the outlook from stable to negative.

The 2017 budget had assumed expenditur­es and revenues of $30.1 billion and $22.4 billion, and was prepared with lower expenditur­e versus that for 2016. Public spending is exceptiona­lly vital by virtue of being more than 40 per cent of GDP. This is something quite extraordin­ary.

The higher spending is partly designed to provide financing for housing projects for nationals, deemed critical to maintainin­g living standards. Also, the plan calls for providing assistance to lower-income citizens.

To be sure, many enterprise­s depend on government­al expenditur­es for their well-being. Broadly speaking, this means the economy depends largely on government­al spending, in turn at the mercy of internatio­nal oil markets.

Undoubtedl­y, low oil prices have necessitat­ed the need to diversify. Yet, Oman has decided to delay introducti­on of the value-added tax to 2019. Of the Gulf countries, only Saudi Arabia and the UAE have started with the tax.

But Oman did implement excise tax on tobacco products, energy and fizzy drinks. Better late than never.

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