Gulf News


World-renowned astrologer Shelley von Strunckel writes a daily column exclusivel­y for tabloid!


August 22 September 21

It’s the rare Aries who minds shoulderin­g tasks solo. In fact often you’d rather do things yourself simply because you won’t need to waste time explaining things to others. Yet certain situations require a joint effort and that in turn demands you work with others and at their pace. You’ve no choice.

Being a stable earth sign you’re rarely happy about last minute changes. But that’s especially the case now. Still, there’s no way around these. Tempting as it is to battle them do a little investigat­ion. What you learn could so alter your perspectiv­e that you’ll realise they’re actually very good ideas.

Sometimes the single word ‘no’ means exactly that. And while you may have a firm refusal in mind when you say it you’re well aware changes are in the air and some could lead to you rethinking your views. Knowing that, ensure arrangemen­ts are flexible enough that if necessary you can rethink them.

While it’s understand­able that others want to discuss the plans you’re making together and you’re sympatheti­c about their anxiety there’s only so much that can be said. Besides with things moving swiftly what’s crucial one day matters little the next. Knowing that, try to steer clear of lengthy sessions of analysis.

Although you don’t think of it often you have a strong stubborn streak. And once you’ve been cornered you’ll stick with a plan, commitment or decision out of pride. Be wary of this. With things changing so swiftly your pride isn’t nearly as important as ensuring that whatever you arrange is flexible.

When you make a mistake you’ll not only try to put things right, you’ll also devote considerab­le time and thought to finding out what went wrong so it won’t happen again. Actually you needn’t worry. Rarely is the planetary activity as chaotic as it was during the last two weeks of December.

Once you understand that you and everybody else are in a period of exciting but disruptive action then you’ll stop worrying about whether what you’re considerin­g would cause others problems. To a certain extent everybody is both enjoying and struggling with what’s arisen. And everybody should be relaxed about the outcome.

Just when you thought you’d managed to get through a tricky week and a series of equally complex discussion­s and without having to reveal certain private concerns, circumstan­ces change. This is nothing new. It’s just this time you must reveal those facts. Don’t worry. Others are already well aware of them.

When others change plans suddenly they’re apologetic and often explain at length. As a fire sign you regard last-minute changes as normal and so don’t really care about what happened. During the coming week however do listen. You’ll learn a lot about preventing similar problems in the future.

Clear-cut as the situations you’re dealing with seem and as much as you’ve managed to deal with and resolve over the past week it would be unwise to assume these are history. With so much in transition it’s likely these will resurface and require yet more creative thinking on your part.

Acknowledg­ing that you not only don’t see eye to eye with somebody, but that the gulf between you is getting wider by the day may seem a defeatist attitude. But actually it’s the best possible starting point for achieving some kind of accord even if you’ll have to live with those difference­s.

Little is more upsetting than being forced to acknowledg­e somebody didn’t forget the facts or make a minor error, but deliberate­ly lied to you. As a Pisces and an idealist you wish this weren’t true. However there are all sorts of reasons people are dishonest. Once you understand you’ll be less upset.

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