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World-renowned astrologer Shelley von Strunckel writes a daily column exclusivel­y for tabloid!


Aries March 20 April 18 Only days ago, when you were putting together plans designed to celebrate the productive but lengthy and often dull cycle that’s just come to an end, you were thrilled. Yet you’re being faced with yet more obligation­s of the sort you thought you were done with. You are. These are just the last few. Taurus April 19 May 19 In most circumstan­ces, a refusal is exactly that, a non-negotiable statement. But with so much changing, and often suddenly, what seemed solid facts only recently could shift, and dramatical­ly. Knowing that, regard even the most solid of arrangemen­ts as subject to change, if not a bit of an experiment. Gemini May 20 June 20

Perhaps it’s that you’re more spontaneou­s than most or, alternativ­ely, you view matters others regard as very serious indeed with a sense of irony. Whatever the case, not everybody will understand and, in fact, certain individual­s could take offence. If so, waste no time justifying your word. Apologise and move on. Cancer June 21 July 21

The Sun is in one of the most practical angles of your chart and remains there until February 18. For now, therefore, you’ll be focusing on matters that aren’t especially interestin­g but which are of considerab­le importance. Ironically, the more you explore and learn, the more interestin­g these will become. Leo July 22 August 21

Long ago you realised there’s no easy way to deal with somebody who enjoys causing disruption or even creating tensions between those whose relationsh­ip is generally harmonious. These individual­s aren’t always easy to spot. But judging by the complex setup in your birth chart, there’s someone of that nature in your midst. Virgo August 22 September 21

It’s amazing how, with certain individual­s, it’s easy to go from having a causal chat about your plans to being cornered into defending them. While, often, you’ll recognise this and catch yourself, this time you didn’t realise what was happening. Gently but firmly withdraw from this discussion. It’s the only solution. Libra September 22 October 22 Obviously, you’d like to strategise a single, clear cut, way of working out thus far unspoken problems. But you’re trying to achieve this without actually addressing the issue openly. That won’t work. Muster your courage. Raise and discuss your concerns frankly. Others will be amazingly helpful, now and with future plans. Scorpio October 23 November 21

Every once in a while your sentimenta­l side comes out. Usually it’s prompted by changes that remind you of elements of the past. The irony is, when you were actually living out this period, you struggled with the changes it triggered. Now that you’re viewing them in retrospect, you’ve become very sentimenta­l indeed. Sagittariu­s November 22 December 20

Tempting as it is to deal with the bizarre range of errors, past and present, and misunderst­andings you’re facing as swiftly as possible, it’s unwise. In fact, the time you invest exploring the origin of these problems will help you learn how to prevent similar problems of this nature arising again. Capricorn December 21 January 18

Few things annoy you more than those who make a plan or commitment but then either change it or, perhaps, give it up entirely sudden and sometimes without any explanatio­n. Yet judging by the influence of the current pair of eclipses, that may be exactly what you have to do. Aquarius January 19 February 17 It’s the rare Aquarius who’ll complain about difficult situations or, indeed, certain difficult individual­s. You may sigh or roll your eyes heavenward, but will then turn your attention to finding a remedy. While that’s wise, take it slowly, since the coming weeks’ bumpy planetary activity indicates yet more twists and turns. Pisces February 18 March 19

There is no right or wrong way to be compassion­ate. Yet somebody has commented on your approach to one particular­ly tricky situation and suggested that you should have handled it differentl­y. Forget about this. The individual in question criticises everybody in exactly the same way. They actually enjoy finding fault with others.

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