Gulf News

Having a different perspectiv­e

- By Rohan Keni The reader is a student based in Dubai.

T oday, life has become stressful. It forces us to live every minute with anxiety, stress and depression. From the pressure of having to take care of a family to work stress, it has become a regular part of life.

Is this what we live for? To run in this never-ending rat-race? At times we even take out this frustratio­n on loved ones.

Can we instead help ourselves and others around us to grow in life? Let’s focus on enjoying and cherishing beautiful moments and navigate through the tough times by staying positive.

Life as we all know, possesses various challenges. But can’t we stop competing against each other? It is like being at a buffet, and instead of enjoying the delicious food to our fill, we behave hungry and greedy and gobble up everything insight.

We get the opportunit­y to make life beautiful, but instead, we choose to live each moment under constant pressure to succeed.

Don’t get me wrong; success is not something that should be ignored, but we have just one life. We need to start re-organising our priorities and understand the level of success attainable, based on our capacity and our principles of life.

Our world has been seeing an increase in death rates and a rise in illnesses. Why? In one way or another, it is a result of this never-ending rush to grab the dish called success without analysing the necessary consequenc­es and after-effects.

God created us for a purpose, what are we doing to fulfil it? Let’s stop stressing and start living.

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