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World-renowned astrologer Shelley von Strunckel writes a daily column exclusivel­y for tabloid!


Aries March 20 April 18

Few things annoy you more than those who’re obsessed with details. While you recognise that, in many circumstan­ces, they aren’t just important, they’re crucial, you’d rather ignore such matters now and deal with them only if they become an issue. However, since problems are inevitable, you may as well tackle them now.

Taurus April 19 May 19

Sometimes kindness is as quiet, and discreet as it is powerful. There’s one particular situation in which you’ve been concerned about others and, without calling attention to it, tried to ease their burdens. They now realise what you’ve done, and while they may not say it, they’re very thankful indeed.

Gemini May 20 June 20

Few things are more annoying to you, as an inquisitiv­e Gemini, than being unable to get your hands on crucial facts or the kind of informatio­n necessary to win others over to your ideas. Frustratin­g as this is, what you learn in the process will more than justify the patience required.

Cancer June 21 July 21

As unsettling as the events triggered by the current pair of eclipses may be, they’ll also lead to important questions about matters you thought you were well-informed about. The more you learn, the more you’ll realise either you hadn’t asked the right questions or others were hiding crucial facts.

Leo July 22 August 21

Understand­ably, you’re doing your best to listen to, and accommodat­e others’ feelings about recent changes. These were caused by the recent Leo eclipsed Full Moon, which triggered events that mean rethinking longstandi­ng arrangemen­ts. The problem is, others seem to think you’re behind certain changes, which you’re not.

Virgo August 22 September 21

Some difference­s can be dealt with the moment they arise. However, at the moment you’re facing a series of issues that are so complex it’s difficult to know what to think and, still less, what to discuss with others. Actually, others are as confused as you are. You can work together to resolve this.

Libra September 22 October 22

There are many kinds of farewells, and it would appear you’ll need to say one that seems simple. But it’s not. In fact, the more you think about how much you shared with the individual in question, the more sentimenta­l you’ll become. This is telling. It means you care more than you admit.

Scorpio October 23 November 21

Taking things in stages seems appealing, at least it does when you’re thinking through a strategy for dealing with already tricky individual­s. Yet the real issue is the facts you’ve kept from those involved. Initially this seemed unimportan­t. In the past, that was true. Now, however, these must be discussed, and openly.

Sagittariu­s November 22 December 20

Judging by the clash between the usually charming Venus and your ruler Jupiter, either those closest in your personal or working life are in a grumpy mood or, alternativ­ely, you’d managed to irritate them. Whatever the case, don’t brush off these issues but, equally, don’t rush discussion­s. Take it slowly.

Capricorn December 21 January 18

Quite rightly, you pride yourself on your ability to say a firm and uncompromi­sing ‘no’ when the situation merits. At the moment, however, you’re urged to be cautious. Things aren’t what they seem. Being aware of that, ensure your refusal is flexible, enough you can turn it into a ‘yes’.

Aquarius January 19 February 17

Long ago, you swore that you’d never alter certain cherished routines. These have remained as they are, though all sorts of changes, and ups and downs. Yet, recently, you’d had to admit these are becoming more of a burden than a joy. Enough, perhaps, it’s time to rethink these if not say farewell to them.

Pisces February 18 March 19

Being intuitive, even when things seem to be tricky, if not very difficult indeed, you trust instincts that say they’ll work out. And that’s the case now. True, explaining this to others won’t be easy. In fact, ideally, you’ll diplomatic­ally sidestep those discussion­s and let events show how right you were.

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