Gulf News

Party may dump scandal-tainted leader

Many in the ANC fear the party’s support in elections next year could wither


ANALYSIS So far, he has refused to go. But as his enemies manoeuvre against him, Zuma could be ousted as early today.

Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa won the leadership of the party at a conference in December, meaning he will become the next South African president if the ANC wins elections next year.

Publicly, Ramaphosa insists that he does not want to humiliate Zuma by forcing him out. Privately, however, Zuma’s enemies in the party want him out before tomorrow, when he is due to deliver the state of the nation address to Parliament. Many in the ANC fear that unless Zuma is removed swiftly, the party’s support in elections next year could wither. But the party is deeply divided and a move to topple Zuma may deepen the rifts.

Charges revived

The corruption charges against Zuma, 783 of them, relate to alleged bribes, including many from a French arms company, Thales. The charges were dropped by prosecutor­s weeks before the 2009 election, paving the way for Zuma to assume the presidency that year, but they have since been revived by a court. Several other top ANC figures have been implicated in corruption related to Thales.

Critics also claim Zuma allowed his friends from a powerful business family, the Guptas, to have so much influence that they “captured” the South African state.

An ANC announceme­nt of today’s executive committee meeting made it clear Zuma’s future was on the line.

“Among the issues to be tabled to the special ... meeting will be preparatio­ns for the state of the nation address and a report back from the National Working Committee on matters mandated to it, including management of the transition between the fifth and sixth administra­tion of government and pending actions in Parliament,” the party statement read.

 ?? AP ?? President Jacob Zuma called ministers to an urgent meeting in Cape Town yesterday.
AP President Jacob Zuma called ministers to an urgent meeting in Cape Town yesterday.
 ?? AP ?? Scuffles erupted outside the party’s headquarte­rs as Zuma supporters clashed with rival ANC activists.
AP Scuffles erupted outside the party’s headquarte­rs as Zuma supporters clashed with rival ANC activists.
 ?? AP ?? Members of the Black First Land First (BLF) protest outside the ANC headquarte­rs.
AP Members of the Black First Land First (BLF) protest outside the ANC headquarte­rs.

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