Gulf News

The hairdresse­r knew what to do


Phyllis Diller quipped, “It’s an ill wind that blows when you leave the hairdresse­r.” That’s similar to the sudden rainstorm after you have washed your car. There is one card-play technique that a hairdresse­r should find easy to spot, but is harder for the rest of us. What is that play, and how does it arise in today’s deal? East’s twono-trump overcall showed at least 5-5 in the minors. (Some pairs treat it as any two suits; others prefer it to be natural, despite the danger of being at such a high level.) South rebid three hearts as a game-try, which North was happy to accept with his helpful heart honour and side-suit ace. South saw 10 top tricks: five spades, four hearts and one club. However, after winning trick one with dummy’s club ace and drawing two rounds of trumps, East’s diamond discard was a blow. Now South ran his heart winners, discarding a club loser from the board. What did he do next? Declarer exited with a club, planning to ruff the third round on the board. However, East took that trick and led a club, which West ruffed with the spade eight. Then a diamond to East’s queen and another club promoted West’s spade jack — down one. Instead of playing a club at trick eight, South should have led his diamond. East could have won, cashed a club and led another club, which West could have ruffed, but declarer would have lost only one spade, one diamond and one club. This is called a scissors coup because it cuts the defensive communicat­ions and stops the trump promotion.

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