Gulf News

“Facebook waited three years to disclose the current incident. That’s what has led to so much outrage.”

Had the mandarins at the social networking site been following the basic, well-establishe­d principles of crisis communicat­ions, it wouldn’t now be dealing with a full-fledged catastroph­e

- Kara Alaimo

Facebook was dealing with one of the biggest crises in its history last week after admitting last Friday that it had known since 2015 that Cambridge Analytica, a consulting firm that worked on Donald Trump’s presidenti­al campaign in the United States, improperly accessed data on 50 million of its users. Last Monday, the company’s stock experience­d its largest decline in four years; the social media giant lost a staggering $37 billion (Dh136 billion) in market value in one day. The incident intensifie­d on Tuesday, with Democratic and Republican senators calling on Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg to testify before Congress, and Bloomberg News reporting that the Federal Trade Commission was investigat­ing whether the company had breached a consent decree. The European Union is also investigat­ing. The founder of WhatsApp called on users to delete Facebook.

The company’s executives are reportedly worried about how all of this will affect their personal reputation­s — and they should be. Much of this damage has been self-inflicted.

The poor judgement Facebook exercised in handling this matter is mind-boggling. As anyone with even a small amount of experience managing crises could have told the company, the worst decision an organisati­on can make in such a situation is to stay silent. If Facebook had disclosed what it knew as soon as the problem occurred and then followed up with steps to protect user privacy, it could have resolved the issue without outside interferen­ce and the financial and reputation­al losses it’s now experienci­ng. Instead, the incident has spiralled out of Facebook’s control.

There’s a simple reason why disclosure is the most effective strategy in a crisis: The truth always emerges. In the US, even classified government documents are regularly leaked. So a company facing a problem has two choices: To admit what happened immediatel­y and ideally get some points for being transparen­t, or to try to cover things up and later be blamed for both the initial problem and the subsequent deceit. That’s why any good crisis expert will tell an organizati­on to fess up about everything as soon as possible. It will face an initial round of negative media coverage. But if the company has truly come clean and then works to fix the underlying problem, the media will be left with nothing more to report. It’s the fastest and easiest way to make a problem go away.

By contrast, Facebook waited three years to disclose this incident. That’s what has led to so much outrage and so many investigat­ions. If the company had immediatel­y announced the breach, lawmakers and the public would still have had a lot of questions about how it protects user data. But it would have avoided the charges of secrecy that have now led so many people to question its underlying values.

Being transparen­t

One reason Facebook may have decided to withhold the informatio­n for so long is that it was trying to figure out how to prevent such episodes from happening again. But companies don’t need to resolve a problem fully before they disclose it. Reasonable people wouldn’t expect a company that just learned that its data has been improperly shared to have developed a full plan within minutes to prevent such a situation from recurring. They would, however, expect the company to be transparen­t, express remorse, pledge to take action to prevent the problem from happening again, and follow up with an announceme­nt about what it was doing to solve the underlying issue. If Facebook had done this, it wouldn’t be dealing with the mess it’s in today.

What’s more, such a strategy would likely have allowed the company to determine how to solve the problem itself. If Facebook had quickly implemente­d measures to better protect the privacy of its users, it would have been unnecessar­y for lawmakers to step in and mandate them.

It’s no surprise that Facebook stock plummeted. Leslie Gaines-Ross, chief reputation strategist of the global communicat­ions agency Weber Shandwick and author of Corporate Reputation: 12 Steps to Safeguardi­ng and Recovering Reputation, says 63 per cent of a company’s market value is attributab­le to its reputation. If Facebook had been following basic, wellestabl­ished principles of crisis communicat­ions, it wouldn’t now be dealing with a full-fledged catastroph­e that is mostly of its own making.

Kara Alaimo is an assistant professor of Public Relations at Hofstra University and author of Pitch, Tweet, or Engage on the Street: How to Practice Global Public Relations and Strategic Communicat­ion. She had previously served in the administra­tion of former US president Barack Obama.

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Niño Jose Heredia/©Gulf News

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