Gulf News

Forests are to be protected


March 21 is observed as Internatio­nal Forest Day. Forest covers 31 per cent of the world’s land surface, which is around four billion hectares which is down by about 2 billion hectares from the pre-industrial times. With the decline in forests, we have lost a lot of different species of both flora and fauna. Deforestat­ion has caused a huge imbalance in Nature and is the main cause for global greenhouse gas emissions, which has resulted in global warming. This is one of the main causes of climate change. The impact of deforestat­ion has also resulted in landslides, rise in temperatur­es, desertific­ation and more. Reports say that around 1.6 billion people depend on forests for their livelihood.

Our forests have an abundance of wealth and if we continue to clear them for our own benefits, we would be causing more damage to the environmen­t. We can see that there is climate variabilit­y. Urban heat island effect is very pronounced. Cutting down trees is a faster phase of urbanisati­on. Laws should restrict encroachme­nt in forest areas and this will protect the forests. We should plant more trees in cities and this will promote tourism. Children should be taught young to preserve Nature. It is high time more awareness is created among people towards the protection of Nature. Let us plant more trees and pledge to protect the trees and Nature.

From Mr Eappen Elias Dubai

A real threat

Globalisat­ion, immigratio­n and the increase in technology have helped human beings soar new heights and give them access to greater opportunit­ies, but at the cost of our environmen­t. Deforestat­ion has resulted in the loss of habitats and is the reason for climate change and the warming up of the planet. When will we learn? When will we listen? Global warming is not a myth and it is definitely not a school project to take on and forget about after its submission. It is real. If we do not help and take action now, we will not have a planet left.

From Ms Clarie Donald


Lack of consciousn­ess

Contrary to our expectatio­ns, the awareness through social media has not made any big impact in terms of environmen­tal consciousn­ess. People are more interested in debating actresses and actors’ personal lives, political opinions and religious squabbles. We seem to have taken social media as a form of entertainm­ent wherein you can publish anything you desire and have the satisfacti­on of having created a fan following for the same. There are very postings about environmen­t and the protection. We need to stress the need for environmen­t protection and the tag lines should reflect this.

Somehow the social awareness campaign a decade ago was much more effective as the major component was the print media. Social media has taken over and slowly, the print media is inching towards being extinct. We need to rely on the digital tools. It is high time that social media such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram take steps to promote the campaign by having some tag lines appearing in all their posts.

From Mr Murugesh SS Sivam UAE

Great coverage of Syria

wholeheart­edly congratula­te News on the marvellous and Gulf great coverage pertaining to the Syrian crises, and the articles published in your esteemed newspaper (“Turkey’s adventuris­m in Syria has gone too far”, Gulf News, March 19). This is time for people to wake up and realise the gravity of the pathetic situation in Syria. I am sure that your endeavour and struggle will be successful and I hope that the world leaders will seriously sit together to resolve the issue at the soonest. I pray for your continued success and prosperity.

From Ms M. Mumtaz Hussain Dubai

Support the Indian PM

We will not be surprised if all other National Democratic Alliance allies also desert the party soon, before the 2019 elections (“‘BJP-RSS misusing religion to exploit sentiments of people’”, Gulf News, March 18). I will not be surprised if even some Bharatiya Janta Party (BJP) leaders leave as well. These are all crooks and criminals who have looted public money over the past seven decades, and now their inflow of money is stopped. This ‘no confidence’ motion is not against the NDA government but only against Prime Minister Narendra Modi. It is their joint effort to keep Modi out of power, as all these crooks know his plan of action for the next 10 years. They will not exist after five. Let the BJP remove Narendra Modi and bring any other leader as Prime Minister and see how all these parties will come back. So, this is the fight of existence for them. I hope the people of India will understand this and will stand firmly behind Modi. From Mr Viren Narkar


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