Gulf News

We need to update ourselves

- By Fiona Anand Athaide

The world is changing rapidly. Or, must we say, at a lightning-fast pace? An endless list of new technologi­es — ride-sharing technologi­es like Uber, smartphone­s, driverless cars. It is an endless list, an unbelievab­le rat race. According to global market research firm Forrester: “The number of global smartphone unique subscriber­s will surpass three billion in 2018, with a penetratio­n rate of 55 per cent of the world population.”

Statia, a provider of market and consumer data published: “As of 2017, Android users were able to choose between 2.8 million apps. Apple’s App Store remained the second-largest app store with 2.2 million available apps.”

But have you ever noticed, while we keep updating our operating systems and smart apps, we forget to update ourselves, our habits and belief systems? The world still lives by the same rules of discrimina­tion and hatred that are passed on to the next generation. Isn’t that strange?

These outdated rules are having a terrible impact on human behaviour. The outcome being nothing other than stressful minds. They are limiting positive thoughts which are finally causing us to hold ourselves back from being our true selves and from enjoying the beauty of life by living it to the fullest.

Life holds much more in store for us than fighting over nations, territorie­s and spreading grief and terror all over. Let’s turn the tables and spread only love, care, understand­ing and affection! Rise and spread the word.

Don’t wait for inspiratio­ns, be the inspiratio­n.

The reader is based in the UAE.

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