Gulf News

TV’sWonderWom­an gets Hollywoods­tar

Lynda Carter struck poses calling back to her small- screen alter ego and turned the ceremony into a celebratio­n of her family, friends and fans


Lynda Carter, best knownas network television’s live- actionWond­erWoman, was honoured with the 2,632nd star on Hollywood’sWalk of Fame.

TheTVstar struck poses calling back to her small- screen alter ego— planting her fists firmly on her hips and crossing her arms on her chest— and turned the ceremony into a celebratio­n of her family, friends and fans of the comic- book hero.

“WonderWoma­n gave birth tomy career, and nowwe have comefull circle andwe have millions of newfans,” said the statuesque actress, 66, noting the newfandoms­parked by 2017’ s blockbuste­rfilm starring Gal Gadot. “It seems impossible, but I have been in the entertainm­ent industry formore than 50 years— do the math— and I have loved it all,” the jubilant star said, receiving cheers fromthe boisterous crowd.

The former beauty queen, who portrayedA­mazonian princess Diana Prince onABC and CBS series from1975 to 1979, has establishe­d a career as a singer while racking up film andTVcredi­ts. Then, at the height of her success, she retreated fromthe limelight to raise her children.

Hollywood ChamberofC­ommerce President LeronGuble­r ran through a list of Carter’s achievemen­ts, noting that she made herTVdebut at age 5, then made her profession­al singing debut at age 14. She becameMiss­World America in 1972 andwas a spokespers­on forMaybell­ine cosmetics.

But itwas her portrayal ofWonder Woman, he said, “a character she infused with such depth and humour,” that made the super heroine one of the“most indelible characters in television history.”

 ?? Photos by AFP, AP, reuters and courtesy of Instagram. com/ zayn ??
Photos by AFP, AP, reuters and courtesy of Instagram. com/ zayn

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