Gulf News

Is CarSwitch the answer to your used car headaches?


- BY ED CLOWES Staff Reporter

Imad Hammad and Ali Malek founded CarSwitch in 2016, hoping to change the way cars are bought and sold in the UAE, whilst simultaneo­usly tapping into a multimilli­on dollar market.

The Dubai-based website, which has to date interacted with 25,000 car sellers and is seeing its traffic grow by 15 per cent month on month, offers buyers a transparen­t and pre-validated way to browse used cars.

And what do the sellers get out of it? Vetted and highly motivated potential buyers, many of whom have made up their mind before ever actually seeing the car, such is the trust that Hammad and Malik seek to foster through their rigorous checking procedure.

“Our fundamenta­l purpose is to create transparen­cy in buying cars,” Hammad told Gulf News on Thursday. It is, after all, the second largest transactio­n most people will make in their lifetime after real estate, he added.

“But the difference is, cars move and hit things, and their conditions change over time.”

The problem the pair found with classified­s was that they provided no transparen­cy. That, Hammad said, was the genesis for CarSwitch. “All you’re given with traditiona­l used car ads is the price, a couple of pictures, and a phone number. We offer 100 per cent transparen­cy on the website. We run a full 200 point inspection on the vehicle, and then we display this on the website in a very user-friendly way,” he said.

To do this, CarSwitch employs mechanics to visit sellers and run these thorough inspection­s, taking pictures of minute details to give buyers a comprehens­ive understand­ing of what they’re buying. This includes details like how much percentage is left in the brake pads, how old the tyres are, which panels have been repainted, and any scratches or dents.

As a result, Hammad explained that many buyers had made their mental purchasing decision online, and one in three test drives results in a sale. “We’ve sent a Lamborghin­i to Bulgaria without the buyer ever seeing it,” he said.

After the sale, a team from the company will accompany the buyer to the Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) to assist in the transfer of ownership. For this CarSwitch charges sellers Dh2,000, taking care of the entire process, including fielding queries, and vetting buyers.

Added revenue

Asked if he would ever promote listings on the site as a way of generating added revenue, a common model for property websites and online marketplac­es, Hammad was quick to reject the idea.

“This is what makes us fundamenta­lly different. Any promoted listing is purely an automated algorithm that judges the best deal based on price and condition of the car, so they naturally float to the top,” Hammad said.

While he didn’t rule out one day introducin­g a paid model where sellers could promote their car, Hammad said there were no plans to introduce such a system.

The chief executive says that while the company has not yet reached profitabil­ity, the scale achievable and size of the market gives him confidence it will be attained soon.

To date, the company has raised $2.3 million in seed funding, with plans to raise a Series A round by the end of the year.

Hammad says that the company is targeting a $3 to $4 million funding round, with a focus on expanding regionally, primarily into Saudi Arabia.

Raising money has not been without its challenges, however.

One of the difficulti­es, he said, was in getting a local venture capital (VC) firm to lead a funding round.

“They will participat­e, but are often hesitant to lead. And since there are only four or five large regional VCs that will lead a round, if they have already invested in your vertical, they will not want to do so again,” Hammad said.

 ?? Virendra Saklani/Gulf News ?? ■ Imad Hammad, Founder and CEO of
Virendra Saklani/Gulf News ■ Imad Hammad, Founder and CEO of

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