Gulf News

Replacing public sector expats ‘too difficult’

Health, education ministries pose real challenge to Kuwaitisat­ion drive

- BY HABIB TOUMI Bureau Chief

Kuwait is not in a position to replace all the expatriate­s working in the public sector due to the shortage of potential Kuwaiti employees, the President of the Civil Services Commission has said.

Ahmad Jassar said that 78,317 foreigners held positions in the government sector, mainly in the education and health ministries.

“Around 76 per cent of the foreigners in the public sectors are employed by the ministries of education and health,” he said. “The health ministry has 33,303 expatriate­s and the education ministry has 26,433. We have regularly informed the competent committees that replacing them would not be possible for the time being,” Jassar was quoted by Kuwaiti daily Al Rai as saying yesterday.

Kuwait, where foreigners make up 70 per cent of the population, has embarked on a massive drive to address the demographi­c imbalance, reduce reliance on foreigners, and boost the employment of its nationals.

The drive has been closely monitored by several lawmakers who have been pushing for a genuine “Kuwaitisat­ion”.

Not enough qualified

However, Jassar said there were not enough qualified Kuwaitis to replace the foreigners in the public sector.

Figures put the number of adult people without jobs in Kuwait at 12,000.

“We have 8,158 Kuwaitis who do not have the necessary advanced academic qualificat­ions and 3,479 who have no degrees,” he said. “There are also 3,828 Kuwaitis who have only the middle school certificat­e and 851 who hold high school certificat­es.”

He added the situation meant any drive to replace foreigners, especially in the health and education sectors, would be highly difficult.

“We study the requests by all public department­s to appoint employees and we assess the availabili­ty of Kuwaiti citizens,” Jassar said.

Recent statistics say 345,100 Kuwaitis work in the public sector, representi­ng 76.8 per cent of the Kuwaiti labour force.

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