Gulf News

China’s mine at border raises hackles

Mining operations projected as move to take over Arunachal Pradesh


China has begun largescale mining operations on its side of the border with Arunachal Pradesh where a huge trove of gold, silver and other precious minerals valued at about $60 billion has been found, a media report said yesterday.

The mine project is being undertaken in Lhunze county under Chinese control adjacent to the Indian border, the Hong Kong-based South China Morning Post reported. China claims the north-eastern state of Arunachal Pradesh as part of southern Tibet.

Projecting the mining operations as part of China’s move to take over Arunachal Pradesh, the report said “people familiar with the project say the mines are part of an ambitious plan by Beijing to reclaim South Tibet”.

“China’s moves to lay claim to the region’s natural resources, while rapidly building up infrastruc­ture could turn it into ‘another South China Sea” it said.

The Post report with inputs from local officials, Chinese geologists as well as strategic experts comes less than a month after the first ever informal summit between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chinese President Xi Jinping aimed at cooling tensions to avert incidents like the Dokalam military standoff last year.

The 73-day standoff marked a new low. Lhunze was in the news last October, just about two months after Dokalam, when Xi in a rare gesture replied to correspond­ence from a herding family in Lhunze County underscori­ng Beijing’s claim to the area.

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