Gulf News

DR Congo haunted by outbreak, but no panic yet


In the city of Mbandaka in northwest Congo, Mbombo Roge does not shake hands with friends anymore: Ebola changed all that.

Roge simply bowed when he met a group of acquaintan­ces on Saturday afternoon, obeying one of the key lessons taught by health officials since an outbreak of the deadly virus was confirmed in the city of 1.5 million people this week.

“Ebola doesn’t forgive,” said Roge on a street in the centre of Mbandaka. “We just greet each other with words so as to not get contaminat­ed.”

The outbreak of Ebola in Congo, the vast central African country’s ninth since the disease made its first known appearance near the northern Ebola river in the 1970s, is believed to have cost the lives of 25 people since April.

The outbreak is dwarfed by the epidemic which killed over 11,300 in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone between 2013 and 2016, but it brings with it some worrying echoes.

Fear of spreading

The first confirmed case in Mbandaka on Thursday raised concerns it could spread much faster than in the rural areas where it had previously been detected.

So far, the changes in Mbandaka are subtle, but they point to a growing trepidatio­n. At the small regional airport, health inspectors check the temperatur­e of arriving passengers. Local aid agencies have gone to churches and schools to try to educate people of the dangers.

Soap dispensers have been put outside some local businesses so people can wash their hands before entering. Meat sales at riverside markets have dropped off, traders say, because of the fear of eating contaminat­ed bush meat, which can pass Ebola on to humans.

“We are scared of this epidemic. We can’t make contact with people coming from outside,” said border hygiene inspector Bolongoyi Juptie.

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