Gulf News

What is Law 10?


Law 10, which has not yet been applied and was issued by the Syrian government on April 2, aims to set up a general plan for reconstruc­tion in the areas destroyed by the Syrian war.

It calls on Syrians to register their private properties within 30 days – the starting date of which will vary from district to district – or have it seized by the state.

The owners are requested to provide documents proving their identity and property rights.

The law has been heavily criticised by Lebanese politician­s who fear it could prevent Syrian refugees in Lebanon from returning home.

Many of the refugees have lost their identity papers and some are prevented – out of safety fears – from returning to the country they left fearing persecutio­n.

Lebanese Foreign Minister Jibran Bassil wrote an official letter to the UN expressing concern over the law.

“Lebanon is concerned that conditions to implement the law will hinder the return of the displaced to their homes,” Bassil said.

He also called on the UN to take the “necessary measures to protect the rights of the displaced Syrians, and preserve their property, while informing all Syrians living in Lebanon of this law.”

Prime Minister Sa’ad Hariri earlier last week said that the law “tells thousands of Syrian families to stay in Lebanon” by threatenin­g them with property confiscati­on.

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